Charles Berberian

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Charles Berbérian (born May 28, 1959 in Baghdad , Iraq ; also written Charles Berberian ) is a comic book artist and author who lives and works in France .

Charles Berberian, 2008


Berberian's family moved from Baghdad to Beirut shortly after he was born . He came to France in the mid-1970s. He studied in Paris, where he met Philippe Dupuy in 1983 and has worked with him ever since.

The collaboration takes place without any specific separation of duties. Both work on the drawings as well as scenarios. Her works have autobiographical features, but mix real experiences with inventions.


At the 35th Angoulême International Comics Festival , he and Philippe Dupuy received the Grand Prix de la Ville d'Angoulême .

Works (selection)

With Philippe Dupuy

  • 1988: Le Journal d'Henriette (3 volumes until 1991 with Les Humanoïdes Associés)
  • 1991: Monsieur Jean (7 volumes up to 2005 at Les Humanoïdes Associés), German at Reprodukt
  • 1996: Carnets de voyage (5 volumes up to 2007 at Éditions Cornélius)


Web links

Commons : Charles Berberian  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Author information at Reprodukt ( Memento of the original dated June 14, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. A. Knigge: Everything about comics . Europa Verlag 2004, p. 396.