Charles Delattre

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Charles Delattre (born June 20, 1972 ) is a French Graecist .

Delattre was Maître de conférences in Ancient Greek at the University of Paris X in Nanterre . He is now Professor of Ancient Greek at the University of Lille III .

Delattre works on the connection between myth , ritual and fiction as well as on the transmission and reception of Greek mythology . His Handbook of Greek Mythology was particularly successful . He also deals with the literature of the imperial era and the anthropology of antiquity .

Fonts (selection)

  • Ps. Plutarque, Nommer le monde. Traduction et commentaire du De fluviis (= coll. Polymnie). Presses du Septentrion, Lille 2010.
  • Le Cycle de l'Anneau, de Minos à Tolkien (= coll. L'Antiquité au Présent). Belin, Paris 2009.
  • Mythe et fiction, colloque organisé à Paris X et l'ENS Ulm, September 14-16, 2006. Presses de Paris X Nanterre, Paris 2008.
  • Manuel de mythologie grecque (= coll. Les pratiques du mythe). Bréal, Paris 2005.

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