Nathalie Henneberg

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Nathalie Henneberg

Nathalie Henneberg (born October 23, 1910 in Batumi ; died June 24, 1977 in Paris ) was a French writer of Russian origin who, from 1954, together with her husband Charles Henneberg zu Irmelshausen-Wasungen (1899-1959) as the author of Science -Fiction and Fantasy occurred.


It remains unclear what part Charles Henneberg has in the work published under his name, under the work published as a collaborative work or the work often published under the name Nathalie-Charles Henneberg after his death . It can be assumed that Nathalie Henneberg was involved in the works initially only published under the name of her husband and that Charles Henneberg's contribution to the later works that only appeared under the name of Nathalie Henneberg was small.

Nathalie Novokovski met her future husband when he was serving in the Foreign Legion in Homs , Syria . During the Second World War he fought on the side of de Gaulle and became Directeur des Médaillés Militaires after the end of the war . In 1954 a first novel was published, La naissance des dieux , a space opera . More novels and short stories appeared after Charles Henneberg's death, with the emphasis shifting from heroic space opera more to fantasy.

The novel Les dieux verts (1961) was translated into English by CJ Cherryh in 1980 under the title The Green Gods . La grande morte , an Italian translation of the novel La Plaie (1964), was nominated for the Premio Italia in 2007. Only a few short stories by the Hennebergs have been translated into German.



  • La naissance des dieux (1954)
  • Le chant des astronautes (1958)
  • La rosée du soleil (1959)
  • To premier, ère spatiale (1959)
  • Les dieux verts (1961)
  • La forteresse perdue (1962)
  • Le sang des astres (1963)
  • La plaie (1964)
  • Le mur de la lumière (1972)
  • Le dieu foudroyé (1976)


  • D'or et de nuit (1977)
  • Demons et chimères (1977)
  • Les ans de la colère (1978)

Short stories

  • La sentinelle (1956)
  • L'évasion (1957)
  • Les non-humains (1958)
  • Pavane pour une planned (1958)
  • La fusée fantôme (1958)
  • Au Pilote Aveugle (1959)
    • German: To the blind pilot. 1975.
  • Pêcheurs de lune (1959)
  • La planète pourpre (1959)
  • Vert comme espérance (1959)
  • Pêcheurs de lune (1959)
    • German: Mondfischer. 1976.
  • Exilées (1959)
  • Ysolde (1960)
  • La vallée d'Avallon (1960)
  • Demons et chimères (1960)
  • Galatée (1960)
  • La vallée d'Avallon (1960)
  • Monstre à voix de sirène (1961)
  • Des ailes, dans la nuit ... (1962)
  • Trois devant la porte d'ivoire (1963)
  • La terre hantée (1963)
  • Les vacances du Cyborg (1964)
  • La couleuvre (1965)
  • L'opale entydre (1966)
  • Les maîtres de l'heure (1967)
  • Louve d'argent en abîme passant (1969)
  • Portés disparus (1971)
  • Le retour des dieux (1971)
  • D'or et de nuit (1977)
  • La mandragore noire (1977)
  • You fond des ténèbres (1977)
  • L'épave (1977)
  • La fusée fantôme (1977)
  • Le rêve minéral (1977)
  • La jeune fille et les deux villes (1978)
  • Le soleil de Thulé (1978)
  • Les ans de la colère (1978)
  • Les maîtres de l'heure (1978)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The year of birth is also given as 1907 and 1917.