Charles Pajot

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Charles Pajot (born December 6, 1609 in Paris , † October 13, 1686 in La Flèche ) was a French Jesuit, classical philologist, Romanist and lexicographer.

life and work

Pajot entered the Jesuit order in 1628 and became prefect at the Collège Henri-IV de La Flèche , at that time one of the best schools in France. His Latin and Greek works were printed for more than 50 years. In the absence of monolingual French dictionaries, the French-Latin dictionary also functioned as a French dictionary.

Publications (selection)

  • Dictionnaire nouveau françois-latin , La Flèche 1643 (numerous editions)
  • Dictionarium novum latino-gallico-graecum , La Flèche 1645 (numerous editions)
  • Tyrocinium eloquentiae, sive Rhetorica nova et facilior , Blois 1647 (numerous editions)
  • Rudimenta nova linguae latinae. Rudimens nouveaux de la langue latine , La Flèche 1649


  • Carlos Sommervogel : Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus. Nouvelle édition , Vol. 6, Brussels / Paris 1895, Col. 91–96.
  • Laurent Bray: César-Pierre Richelet (1626–1698) , Tübingen 1986, p. 24.

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