Charles Stuart Freeman Burnett

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Charles Stuart Freeman Burnett (born September 26, 1951 ) is a British Arabist .


He studied for a BA in Classical Antiquity at Cambridge University (May 1972) and received his PhD in modern and medieval languages ​​in June 1976 at the same university. He was from 1976 to 1976 Junior Research Fellow at St John's College , Cambridge and was a research fellow at the Warburg Institute , 1979-1982, was Leverhulme research fellow at the Department of History at Sheffield University (1982-1984 and 1985), interrupted by one Year as a member of the Institute for Advanced Study , (1984–1985). In April 1985 he was appointed professor for the history of Islamic influences in Europe at the Warburg Institute at the University of London and in 1999 he was promoted to professor .

His research interests are the transfer of texts, techniques and artifacts from the Arab world to the West, especially in the Middle Ages, Jesuits in Japan, paleography and history of numerals and arithmetic.

Fonts (selection)

  • The introduction of Arabic learning into England . London 1997, ISBN 0-7123-4545-0 .
  • as editor with Gerrit Bos : Scientific weather forecasting in the Middle Ages. The writings of Al-Kindī . Studies, editions, and translations of the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin texts . London 2000, ISBN 0-7103-0576-1 .
  • Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages. The translators and their intellectual and social context . Farnham 2009, ISBN 0-7546-5943-7 .
  • Numerals and arithmetic in the Middle Ages . Farnham 2010, ISBN 1-4094-0368-8 .

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