Charles de Tourtoulon

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Charles de Tourtoulon

Charles de Tourtoulon (born October 12, 1836 in Montpellier , † August 12, 1913 in Aix-en-Provence ) was a French historian, Romanist , Occitanist and dialectologist .

life and work

Charles Rochenat, who in 1854 was allowed to take the ancestral surname of a Baron de Tourtoulon (actually: Tourtoulou ) again, graduated in law in 1859 and became a lawyer and private scholar in the field of language and history in southern France.

Tourtoulon was a founding member of the Société pour l'étude des langues romanes (later: Sociéte des langues romanes ) in 1869 and a contributor to its Revue des Langues Romanes , which was published in Montpellier in 1870, the very first Romance periodical (followed in 1872 by Paul in Paris Meyer (Romanist) and Gaston Paris founded the magazine Romania , as well as in 1877 and 1883 by the German magazines magazine for Romance philology and Romance research ). In 1883 Tourtoulon (with Alphonse Roque-Ferrier ) was the founding editor of the monthly magazine Revue du monde latin until 1895 (whereby Latin is to be understood as "neo-latin", ie as Romansh). The feeling of togetherness of Romansh-speaking southern Europe, which was expressed in these efforts, also resulted in the foundation of the poetry school "École romane" by Jean Moréas in 1891 .

On behalf of the government, Tourtoulon (together with Octavien Bringuier ) conducted dialectological field research to determine the demarcation line between the dialects of French ( Langues d'oïl ) on the one hand and Occitan / Provencal ( Langues d'oc ) on the other hand, and published a detailed report on this in 1876, who has a pioneering character in linguistic geography.

Tourtoulon was a member of the Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier (Lettres, armchair no. 16, 1868-1893), the Académie des sciences, agriculture, arts et belles-lettres d'Aix (1897) and a corresponding member of several other academies. He was majoral (one of 50 councilors) of Félibrige (1876). A street in Montpellier bears his name.


  • Notes pour servir à un nobiliaire de Montpellier , Montpellier 1856, Nîmes 2010
  • Études sur la maison de Barcelona. Jacme Ier le Conquérant, roi d'Aragon, comte de Barcelone, seigneur de Montpellier , 2 vols. Montpellier 1863–1867 (Spanish, Valencia 1980)
  • Les Français aux expéditions de Mayorque et de Valence sous Jacques Le Conquérant, roi d'Aragon, 1229-1238 , Paris 1866
  • Renaissance de la literature catalane et provençale. Les fêtes littéraires internationales de 1868 , Toulouse 1868 (50 pages)
  • (with Octavien Bringuier) Étude sur la limite geographique de la langue d'oc et de la langue d'oil (avec une carte). Premier rapport à M. le Ministre de l'Instruction publique, des cultes et des beaux-arts , Paris 1876, Masseret-Meuzac 2004
  • Des dialectes. De leur classification et de leur délimitation geographique . Communication faite au congrès de philologie romane de Montpellier, le 26 may 1890, Paris 1890 (59 pages)


  • Roger Barthe, L'Idée latine , Toulouse 1962
  • Jean-Marie Petit, "Trois figures de la période montpelliéraine de la renaissance occitane: Charles de Tourtoulon, Louis-Alphonse Roque-Ferrier, Camille Chabaneau", in: Revue des langues romanes 89, 1985, pp. 93-121
  • Jürgen Storost, "Paul Meyer, Hugo Schuchardt, Jean Pierre Rousselot, Graziadio Isaia Ascoli, Gaston Paris, Jules Giliéron, Charles du Tourtoulon. I. Aspects of the change in method in the French dialectology of the 19th century. II. The Société des Parlers de France », in: Jürgen Storost, In memoriam Vladimiro Macchi. Aspects of the history of science. Selected subjects , Bonn 2008, pp. 124–168.
  • Jean-Claude Chevalier, "Le baron de Tourtoulon et la constitution d'une geographie linguistique", in: De François Raynouard à Auguste Brun. La contribution des Méridionaux aux premières études de linguistique romane , in: Lengas 42, 1998, pp. 163-170

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