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Mahtank , better known as Chato , Chaddo even Alfred Chato or Chatto (* around 1860, † 1934), was a leader of the Chiricahua - Apaches .

Disgruntled by US politics, Chato and Geronimo left the San Carlos reservation in what is now New Mexico in 1881 and went to the Sierra Madre region of Mexico . Chato and Geronimo came back sporadically to the USA and carried out several raids. In March 1883 on the way back to Mexico, the Apaches under Chato and Benito killed several white Americans. In February 1884 Chato and about sixty Indians were forced to surrender. A month later Geronimo also surrendered. In 1885 Geronimo again left the San Carlos reservation. Chato followed him and tried unsuccessfully to get him to return. From 1886 he served as a scout under General George Crook in the US Army, where he excelled in tracking down Geronimo. However, he was later imprisoned in Fort Marion (Florida) with the Apaches that he himself had tracked down . His children were forced to attend Carlisle Indian School , where they died shortly afterwards. From 1913 he lived in the Mescalero-Apache reservation in New Mexico, where he was killed in a car accident in 1934.


  • Bruce E. Johansen, Donald A. Grinde Jr .: The Encyclopedia of Native American Biography. Six Hundred Life Stories of Important People, from Powhatan to Wilma Mankiller . Da Capo Press, New York NY 1998, ISBN 0-306-80870-6 , (Also: H. Holt, New York NY 1997, ISBN 0-8050-3270-3 ).

Individual evidence

  1. University of Chicago Press Joins Current Scholarship Program (different spellings)

This article is based on the article Chato ( Memento of July 1st, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) from the free encyclopedia Indianer Wiki ( Memento of March 18th, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) and is under Creative Commons by-sa 3.0 . A list of the authors was available in the Indian Wiki ( Memento from July 1, 2007 in the Internet Archive ).