Cheirogaleus thomasi

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Cheirogaleus thomasi
Drawing from the first description by Charles Immanuel Forsyth Major

Drawing from the first description by Charles Immanuel Forsyth Major

Order : Primates (Primates)
Subordination : Wet-nose primates (Strepsirrhini)
Partial order : Lemurs (Lemuriformes)
Family : Cat lemurs (Cheirogaleidae)
Genre : Fat- tailed lemurs ( Cheirogaleus )
Type : Cheirogaleus thomasi
Scientific name
Cheirogaleus thomasi
( Major , 1894)

Cheirogaleus thomasi is a primate species from the lemur group . The species wasdescribedas Opolemur thomasi by the Swiss zoologist Charles Immanuel Forsyth Major asearlyas 1894 , but later synonymous with the Western fat- tailed lemur ( Cheirogaleus medius ). In 2014 the species wasrevalidatedunder the name Cheirogaleus thomasi . It is restricted in its range to a forested coastal strip in the extreme southeast of Madagascar. The coastal strip extends from St. Luce to Petriky with the town of Tolagnaro roughly in the middle.


Major described the species on the basis of three specimens caught near Tolagnaro and gave the two adult animals, one of which was preserved in alcohol and the other to be dried, a head-to-trunk length of 22.5 and 23.2 cm, respectively and tail lengths of 21.5 and 19.5 cm, respectively. As is typical for fat-tailed lemurs, the head is flattened and broad and the muzzle is short. The animals are predominantly gray in color with a reddish brown tinge. The hair has silver shimmering tips. The top of the head is darker. The same shade has a dark collar that is not closed at the nape of the neck. The dark circles and the short ears are brown-black. A whitish stripe between the eyes runs to the hairless nose. The cheeks, lips, chin, throat, chest, abdomen and the insides of arms and legs are yellowish white. The hands have five pads , the feet seven. Compared to the very similar Western fat- tailed lemur ( Cheirogaleus medius ), Cheirogaleus thomasi has a larger skull and wider teeth.

Individual evidence

  1. Runhua Lei, Cynthia L. Frasier, Adam T. McLain, Justin M. Taylor, Carolyn A. Bailey, Shannon E. Engberg, Azure L. Ginter, Richard Randriamampionona, Colin P. Groves , Russell A. Mittermeier and Edward E. Louis Jr .: Revision of Madagascar's Dwarf Lemurs (Cheirogaleidae: Cheirogaleus ): Designation of Species, Candidate Species Status and Geographic Boundaries Based on Molecular and Morphological Data. Primate Conservation 28: 9-35. 2014, doi: 10.1896 / 052.028.0110
  2. ^ Charles Immanuel Forsyth Major: About the Malagasy Lemurid genera Microcebus , Opolemur and Chirogale . Novitates Zoologicae, Volume 1, 1894, pages 20-21