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Chentka in hieroglyphics
W17 x HASH

Chent [ka]
Chent- [ka]
ḫnt- [k3]

Chentka was an ancient Egyptian official of the Old Kingdom and a presumed tomb owner of a mastaba in the necropolis of Giza . The name of the grave owner cannot be clearly determined, but George Andrew Reisner identifies him as Chentka from two fragmentary inscriptions on the west side of the chapel. His title is "biological prince and only companion". Nothing more is known about his origin and his activities.

His grave

The stone mastaba (G 2130) is located on the western field of the necropolis of Giza and borders the mastaba of Nefer (G 2110). Due to its size and massive stone construction, numerous investigations were carried out. It was unearthed by Albert Morton Lythgoe in 1905, followed by George Andrew Reisner in 1912 , NE Wheeler in 1932 and finally Peter Der Manuelian in 1993 . Manuelian documents the mastaba with numerous photographs and graphics. The size of the mastaba is 36 × 15 meters and is the only one containing a carefully crafted brick core. The burial chamber is small in relation to it, there were fragments of sarcophagus here. The sunk reliefs in the attached burial chapel were of high quality, but have been badly damaged. Due to the size and architecture of the mastaba, it must have been a significant grave owner. Reisner assigns the tomb to the early Cheops period , i.e. the 4th dynasty .


  • Peter Der Manuelian: Mastabas of Nucleus Cemetery G 2100, Part I: Major Mastabas 2100-2220 (= Giza Mastabas. Volume 8). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 2009, pp. 239-258.
  • Bertha Porter , Rosalind LB Moss : Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings. III. Memphis. 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1974, pp. 74-75 ( PDF; 30.5 MB ).
  • George Andrew Reisner : A History of the Giza Necropolis. Volume I, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) 1942, p. 432.

Individual evidence

  1. George Andrew Reisner : A History of the Giza Necropolis. 1942, p. 432.
  2. Peter Der Manuelian: Mastabas of Nucleus Cemetery G 2100. Boston 2009.