Chenyang Xu

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Chenyang Xu (* 1981 in Chongqing ) is a Chinese mathematician who studies algebraic geometry .

Xu received his PhD from Princeton University under János Kollár in 2008 (Topics on rationally connected varieties). He is a professor at the International Center for Mathematical Research in Beijing.

He deals with the Minimal Model program and birational geometry (in characteristics 0 and p), rationally connected varieties, topology of algebraic varieties, arithmetic geometry, Kähler geometry and Fano varieties. Besides Kollar, he worked with Christopher Hacon and James McKernan, among others .

In 2016 he received the ICTP Ramanujan Prize . In particular, his work on birational geometry including canonical log pairs and Q-Fano varieties as well as the topology of singularities and their dual complexes were highlighted. He is a lecturer at the ICM 2018 (Interaction Between Singularity Theory and the Minimal Model Program).


  • with CD Hacon: Existence of log canonical closures, Inventiones Mathematicae, Volume 192, 2013, pp. 161–195
  • with CD Hacon, J. McKernan: ACC for log canonical thresholds, Annals of Mathematics, Volume 180, 2014, pp. 523-571
  • with CD Hacon, J. McKernan: On the birational automorphisms of varieties of general type, Annals of Mathematics, Volume 177, 2013, pp. 1077–1111
  • with Chi Li: Special test configurations and K-stability of Fano-varieties, Annals of Mathematics, Volume 180, 2014, pp. 197–232
  • with J. Kollar: The dual complex of Calabi-Yau pairs, Invent. Math., Volume 205, 2016, pp. 527-557.
  • Finiteness of algebraic fundamental groups, Compos. Math., Volume 150, 2014, pp. 409-414.
  • Strong rational connectedness of surfaces, J. Reine Angew. Math., Volume 665, 2012, pp. 189-205.
  • with A. Hogadi: Degenerations of Rationally Connected Varieties, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., Volume 361, 2009, pp. 3931-3949
  • with C. Hacon: On the three dimensional minimal model program in positive characteristic, J. Am. Math. Soc., Volume 28, 2015, pp. 711-744

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of 2017 Future Science Prize Winners: Jianwei Pan, Yigong Shi, Chenyang Xu
  2. Chenyang Xu in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  3. Official ICTP website
  4. Arxiv