Cherry Township, Minnesota

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Cherry Township is a township in St. Louis County , Minnesota , USA . In 2000, 915 people lived there. The main artery of the townships is Minnesota State Highway 37 . Cherry is the birthplace of Gus Hall , one of the key figures in the United States Communist Party .

Administration and Geography

According to the United States Census Bureau , the township has a total area of ​​86.7 km², of which 85.3 km² is land, while 1.5 km² or 1.70% is water. The administration is based in Cherry Town Hall, which is located directly on Minnesota State Highway 37.


According to a 2000 census , 915 people live in 339 households in Cherry Township, of which 258 are families. The population density is 10.7 residents per square kilometer. According to the U.S. race classification , 99.02% of the population was white, 0.55% Native American , 0.11% Asian, and 0.33% mixed. Hispanics were 0.11% of the population.

Of the 339 households, 36.6% had residents who were both younger than 18 years of age and also lived with their parents. In addition, 68.1% lived together as married couples , while 23.6% of households did not live in family groups. 21.8% of the households were single households and 8.3% had a senior citizen over 65 years of age living alone. The average household size was 2.70 residents and the average family 3.13 members.

In the township, 27.3% of the residents were younger than 18 years, 6.9% between 18 and 24, 29.5% between 25 and 44, 27.3% older than 45 but younger than 64, while 9.0 % Were 65 years of age or older. The average age was 39 years. For every 100 women there were 116.3 men. This ratio was 100: 113.8 for the adults.

The median income per household was $ 50,263 annually, while the median annual income for families was $ 55,882. The average man made $ 43,173 annually, compared to an average of $ 25,208 for women.

For the year 2004 a population decrease of 20 residents to 895 is expected.

Individual evidence

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