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Cheteti was an ancient Egyptian city ​​prince who probably officiated in Qus at the end of the Old Kingdom . So far, Cheteti is only known from the fragment of an architrave that is now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna . There he is shown with his wife Nebetit, who bears the title of the only royal jewelry . He himself bears the title of Head of the Priests of the Lord of Upper Egypt . The Lord of Upper Egypt , like other sources of evidence, the chief god of Qu. The sons of Cheteti also appear on the stone fragment. Among them is the royal sealer Djefi. A Djefi appears in other sources as a city prince, so that it can be assumed that this is the future successor in office. We learn from various sources that the heads of the priests also performed secular tasks. The stele was given to Crown Prince Rudolf in 1881 and is said to come from Elkab .

Individual evidence

  1. Inventory number 5894
  2. ^ Henry George Fischer: Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome, Dynasties VI-XI , Rome 1964, pp. 22-24. Plate VII
  3. ^ Fischer: Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome, Dynasties VI – XI , p. 22