Chilkoot Inlet

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Chilkoot Inlet
Waters Lynn Canal , Pacific Ocean
Land mass North America
Geographical location 59 ° 14 '27 "  N , 135 ° 23' 21"  W Coordinates: 59 ° 14 '27 "  N , 135 ° 23' 21"  W
Chilkoot Inlet (Alaska)
Chilkoot Inlet
Tributaries Chilkoot River

The Chilkoot Inlet is a 32 km long bay at the mouth of the Chilkoot River in the Panhandle in southeastern Alaska . It lies east of the Chilkat Peninsula and flows into the Lynn Canal in the south .

On the west bank of Chilkoot Inlet is Haines , on the north end, on Lutak Inlet , Skagway . To the west of the bay is the Haines State Forest .

Web links

Commons : Chilkoot Inlet  - collection of images, videos and audio files