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Chillon was a place east of today 's Chillon Castle in today's Swiss canton of Vaud .


The place was first mentioned in 1214 when the Villanova Chillionis ("la ville neuve de Chillon") was founded by Count Thomas I of Savoy. In 1322 the place had 62 residents. The populated area extended from the hill by the castle to the lake and the entrance to the castle. Palisades had been built up to the forest above the town, protecting the town and forcing those involved to enter the town through two gates. These were the porta burgi chillonis a parte Cluse (1292) / a parte Viviaci (1302) in a westerly direction (today's Veytaux ) and porta burgi chillonis a parte villanova (1286) in the direction of today's Villeneuve . The population took on work such as that of the night watchman at the castle. Ecclesiastically, Chillon belonged to the municipality of Montreux , but had its own chapel ecclesia sancti Pantaleonis , first mentioned in 1278.

In 1471 Chillon was assigned to the municipality of Veytaux, but in 1618 the commune de Chillon et Veytaux is also mentioned. Today nothing can be seen of the spot.

In addition to the castle, the Veytaux-Chillon stop on the Simplon line and the Chillon viaduct also bear the name of the place.


  • Maxime Reymond: Le bourg de Chillon . In: Revue historique vaudoise . tape 14 . Société vaudoise d'histoire et d'archéologie, 1906, doi : 10.5169 / seals-14603 .

Web links

Commons : Chillon  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Le bourg de Chillon. P. 85.
  2. ^ Evelyne Lüthi-Graf / MF: Chillon. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  3. Le bourg de Chillon. P. 84f.
  4. Le bourg de Chillon. P. 89.
  5. Le bourg de Chillon. P. 89.
  6. Le bourg de Chillon. P. 93f.
  7. ^ Evelyne Lüthi-Graf / AL: Veytaux. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .

Coordinates: 46 ° 25 '  N , 6 ° 56'  E ; CH1903:  560827  /  140404