Chilonis (daughter of Leotychidas)

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Chilonis ( Greek  Χιλωνίς , * around 290 BC), the daughter of the Spartan Leotychidas , was married to the much older prince Cleonymos , who loved her very much. However, she despised her husband and had fallen in love with Akrotatos , the great-nephew of Cleonymos. She showed this quite openly, so that all of Sparta spoke about it and, in reference to the daughter of Pandareus, she was disdainfully called Chelidonis .

When Chilonis finally turned away from her husband completely, Cleonymos left Sparta. Since he felt that he had been passed over by the succession to the throne, he encouraged him in 272 BC. BC Pyrrhus to conquer the city. Pyrrhus besieged the city while King Areus I , father of Akrotatos, was with part of the armed forces in Crete . This is why women climbed the walls to defend the city, and Chilonis led them. However, when it became apparent that the attackers would take the city, Chilonis withdrew and put a rope around his neck. She would rather die than fall into the hands of Cleonymus. However, this suicide attempt failed. Akrotatos finally left the city with 300 men and was able to inflict a decisive defeat on the besiegers, who then withdrew. When he returned to town he was celebrated and from now on the connection between him and Chilonis was accepted.

262 BC Akrotatos fell in the war and a short time later Chilonis gave birth to their son Areus .


Individual evidence

  1. Plutarch , Pyrrhus , 26.
  2. Plutarch, Pyrrhus , 27-28.
  3. ^ Parthenios of Nicaea , Liebesleiden , 23.
  4. ^ Pausanias , Journeys in Greece , 3, 6, 3.
  5. Plutarch, Agis , 3.