Chimera bulldog bat

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Chimera bulldog bat
Superordinate : Laurasiatheria
Order : Bats (chiroptera)
Superfamily : Smooth-nosed (Vespertilionoidea)
Family : Bulldog bats (Molossidae)
Genre : Bulldog bats ( Eumops )
Type : Chimera bulldog bat
Scientific name
Eumops chimaera
Gregorin , Moras , Acosta , Vasconcellos , Poma , dos Santos & Paca , 2016

The Chimera bulldog bat ( Eumops chimaera ) is a species of bat in the genus of bulldog bats found in southwestern Brazil and Bolivia .


The Chimera bulldog bat is a medium-sized representative of the bulldog bats. The forearm length is around 66.00 - 68.50 mm, the ears are quite large at around 27.5 - 31 mm and have grown together in the middle. The antitragus is wider (about 8.8 mm) than the tragus (about 4.35 mm). The back fur is dark brown, the belly side a little lighter in color. The face is black and not very hairy. The bat species is similar to other members of the genus bulldog bats, but can be distinguished on the basis of morphological differences in the skull and teeth.


So far, only a few specimens from Brazil and Bolivia are known, the sites are about 1,500 km apart. The exact distribution area is therefore not known.


The Chimera bulldog bat was classified as a separate species based on morphological differences and genetic analyzes. The species is classified in the perotis group, which includes the western bulldog bat ( Eumops perotis ) and the Colombian bulldog bat ( Eumops trumbulli ). The two species are sister taxa to the Chimera bulldog bat.

Etymology and history of research

The holotype was collected in 2013 by KV Lobão in southwestern Brazil, in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce National Park . The specific epithet is the Latinization of the Greek word for chimera , a mystical, Greek hybrid creature, which refers to the morphological features of the species, which correspond to various other species of the genus bulldog bats.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Renato Gregorin; Ligiane Martins Moras; Luis Hernán Acosta; Karina Lobão Vasconcellos; José Luis Poma; Fabrício Rodrigues dos Santos; Roberto Carlos Paca (2016). "A new species of Eumops (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from southeastern Brazil and Bolivia". Mammalian Biology. 81 (3): 235-246. doi: 10.1016 / j.mambio.2016.01.002