Christa Beurton

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Christa Beurton (* 1945 as Christa Biste) is a German botanist .


Between 1969 and 1994, Beurton worked as a research assistant in the field of botany and arboretum at the Humboldt University in Berlin . In 1976 she received her doctorate there. From 1995 to October 2008 she was curator for Phanerogame and head of the arboretum, the special gardens in the Botanical Garden and the Botanical Museums in Berlin-Dahlem at the Free University of Berlin .

Publications (selection)

  • 2008: Rutaceae , en Flora de la República de Cuba, Series A, Plantas Vasculares. Fasc. 14 (3): 1-128.
  • 2004: Angostura ossana, a component of the Cuban flora . Willdenowia 34: 277-289.
  • 2002: Clave de especies cubanas del género Zanthoxylum L. sl. (Rutaceae). Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. 22: 157-163.
  • 2001: Achillea L. p. 657–661 en: Jäger, EJ & Werner, K. (ed.) Exkursionsflora von Deutschland 4. Vascular Plants: Critical Volume, ed. 9. - Heidelberg & Berlin [“2002”]
  • 2000: Notes on Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) from the Antiles . Wildenowia 30: 125-130.
  • 2000: The genus Plethadenia (Rutaceae) . Wildenowia: 30: 115-123.
  • 1996: The fruits and seeds of the Cuban Zanthoxylum species (Rutaceae). Wildenowia 26: 283-299.
  • 1996: To differentiate between Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. And Z. simulans Hance (Fam. Rutaceae). Mean German Dendrol. Ges. 82: 57-62.
  • 1994: Gynoeceum and perianth in Zanthoxylum sl (Rutaceae). Plant. Syst. Evol. 189: 165-191.
  • 1987: Phyllode-forming Zanthoxylum clans in Cuba II. Z. dumosum, Z. pseudodumosum, Z. ignoratum and Z. arnoldii (Fam. Rutaceae). Feddes Repert. 98: 53-73.
  • 1986: Phyllode-forming Zanthoxylum clans in Cuba I. Zanthoxylum phyllopterum and Z. rolandii (Fam. Rutaceae). Feddes Repert. 97: 29-41.
  • 1985: Zanthoxylum bissei, a new species from Cuba (Rutaceae). Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac. 6: 3-9.
  • 1985: On the morphology and distribution of Achillea collina J. Becker ex Rchb. and A. pannonica Scheeele (Compositae) in the GDR. I. Achillea pannonica. Gleditschia 13: 113-125.
  • 1978: Cytotaxonomic investigations of the Achillea millefolium (Asteraceae) group in the GDR. Feddes Repert. 88: 533-613.

Author abbreviation

Your botanical author abbreviation is Beurton .

By April 2015 she had described 14 plants.

Individual evidence

  4. Todos los géneros y especies descritos por este autor en IPNI .

Web links

 Wikispecies: Christa Beurton  - Species Directory