Christian Dietzfelbinger

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Christian Dietzfelbinger (born April 16, 1924 in Kirchfarrnbach ) is a Protestant theologian .


After his doctorate ( pseudo-Philo "Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum" ) in Göttingen on December 14, 1964 and his habilitation in 1982 in Munich , he taught from 1990 at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen as an adjunct professor for the New Testament .

Works (selection)

  • Paul and the Old Testament. The hermeneutics of Paul, examined in his interpretation of the figure of Abraham (= theological existence today. New series. Number 95). Kaiser, Munich 1961, OCLC 8768952 .
  • Salvation history with Paul? An exegetical study of Pauline historical thought (= theological existence today. New series. Number 126). Kaiser, Munich 1965, OCLC 264128045 .
  • What is heresy? A representation of the theological and ecclesiastical attitude of Paul (= Theological existence today. New series. Number 143). Kaiser, Munich 1967, OCLC 470277636 .
  • The antitheses of the Sermon on the Mount (= theological existence today. Number 186). Kaiser, Munich 1975, ISBN 3-459-01002-9 .
  • The calling of Paul as the origin of his theology (= scientific monographs on the Old and New Testament. Volume 58). Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1985, ISBN 3-7887-0771-2 (also habilitation thesis, Munich 1982).
  • Johanneischer Osterglaube (= Theological Studies. Volume 138). Theological Publishing House Zurich, Zurich 1992, ISBN 3-290-10868-6 .
  • Farewell to what is to come. An interpretation of the Johannine farewell speeches (= scientific studies on the New Testament. Volume 95). Mohr, Tübingen 1997, ISBN 3-16-146687-X .
  • The Gospel according to John (= Zurich Bible Commentaries NT. Volume 4). Theological Publishing House Zurich, Zurich 2001, ISBN 3-290-14743-6 .
  • The son. Sketches for the Christology and Anthropology of Paul (= Biblical-Theological Studies. Volume 118). Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2011, ISBN 978-3-7887-2509-9 .