Christian Friedrich von Hedemann-Heespen

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Christian Friedrich von Hedemann-Heespen (born July 2, 1769 in Hemmelmark , † January 17, 1847 in Deutsch-Nienhof ) was a landowner.

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Christian Friedrich von Hedemann-Heespen was a son of Georg von Hedemann and his wife Davidia von Drieberg . He had ten brothers and three sisters. His godfather was Christian Friedrich von Heespen , who named him his heir in 1776. The most important goods of the inheritance were Deutsch-Nienhof and Pohlsee .

Upon reaching the age of consent, Hedemann took over both goods. He and his descendants adopted the double name and coat of arms of Hedemann-Heespen. He did not manage the goods sufficiently economically and was only able to avert his own bankruptcy with difficulty after the Danish national bankruptcy in 1813 . Over the years he acquired valuable books and paintings, had the manor house of Deutsch-Nienhof rebuilt, an English garden laid out and a hereditary burial erected.

Von Hedemann-Heespen was made a Danish major in 1802 and a member of the Schleswig-Holstein knighthood in 1817.

Von Hedemann-Heespen married Maria Josefa von Zencker on May 25, 1792 in Vienna (born September 17, 1762 in Vienna, † December 29, 1835 at Deutsch-Nienhof). The couple had two daughters and their son Johann Friedrich von Hedemann-Heespen , who inherited the father's property and restructured it economically.


  • Wilhelm Klüver : Hedemann-Heespen, Christian Friedrich von . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 3. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1974, pp. 139-140