Wilhelm Klüver (philologist)

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Wilhelm Klüver (born July 25, 1900 in Ascheberg (Holstein) ; † October 13, 1987 there ) was a German historian and private scholar . He is considered one of the greatest regional historians in Schleswig-Holstein .


Wilhelm jib attended elementary school in Ascheberg and from 1910 the Empress Auguste Victoria School Ploen , which he in 1918 with the wartime Notabitur left. 1919 enrolled him at the University of Kiel for history , German language and literature and geography . In 1924 he was charged with a dissertation on Franz Hermann Hegewisch to Dr. phil. PhD . The following year he passed the state examination for the higher teaching post; However, he did not enter the school service , but worked - apart from librarianship - all his life as a private scholar .

As a student of Otto Brandt , he dedicated himself to Georg Christian Burchardi and Paul von Hedemann-Heespen . He wrote the obituary for Otto Brandt († 1935) and continued his history in Schleswig-Holstein from the 4th (1949) to the 7th edition (1976).

In the last two decades of his life, he wrote more than 600 varied reviews of new publications in German and international history for the book gazette for public libraries and the magazine Bücherei und Bildung in the Association of German People's Librarians .

On April 16, 1971 he received the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class .

Publications (selection)

  • Dithmarschen and Schleswig-Holstein through the course of history , 1931
  • The landscape of Norderdithmarschen under the Gottorpern , 1939
  • Ascheberg, an East Holstein manor and townscape , 1952
  • Schleswig-Holstein history since 1866. Main features and main dates , 1972
Georg Christian Burchardi: Memoirs of a Schleswig-Holsteiner . 1927
Otto Brandt: History of Schleswig-Holstein. A floor plan , 4th – 7th centuries Edition. Mühlau, Kiel 1949, 1976
Rudolf Bülck: History of the [Kiel] University Library , 1960

Web links


  1. ↑ Date of death according to the Plön district archive.
  2. ^ Wilhelm Klüver: Franz Hermann Hegewisch . In: Nordelbingen 4, 1925, pp. 368-466.
  3. a b Order files of the State Chancellery (Dept. 605 No. 14920), Schleswig-Holstein State Archives.
  4. ^ Wilhelm Klüver: Otto Brandt - an obituary together with a bibliography . Heath 1935.