Christian Gottfried Schulze

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Engraving by an unknown artist ( Johann CB Gottschick ?)

Christian Gottfried Schul (t) ze (* 1749 in Dresden ; † February 22, 1819 in Dresden) was a German (Saxon) engraver .


Schulze was the son of a belt maker and learned his father's trade. After he had finished his studies, he worked for him as a journeyman for 5 years. At the same time he attended the Dresden Academy. In 1772, on the recommendation of General Director Christian Ludwig von Hagedorn, he was sent to Paris as a court scholarship holder to continue his education with Johann Georg Wille . After ten years in Paris, Schulze was called to Dresden as court copper engraver. Schulze worked in Dresden from 1783.


In a 21-page overview in the General German Library on the “Fine Arts” (subtitle: “Fine arts, especially copperplate engravings”), the outstanding in Europe are listed. The first thing under "Dresden" is:

The portrait of the learned farmer Joh. Georg Palitzsch, in Prohlis, not far from Dresden, engraved by Mr. Schulze after Graf in 1782. in fol., Deserves to be listed ...

Schulze is also praised in Nagler's New General Artist Lexicon from 1846:

[Schulze] supplied numerous sheets of every kind. Many of them are to be named with distinction, since Schulze was not only a capable engraver, but also very experienced in drawing. Others were only stung by students under his supervision.

Works (examples)

Portrait of the peasant scholar Palitzsch (1782) after Graff painting from 1777

Copper engraving



  • Georg Kaspar Nagler : New general artist lexicon,… Volume 16, Munich, 1846, pp. 69–71
  • Johann Rudolf Füssli , Hans Heinrich Füssli : General Artist Lexicon, ... Volume 2, Part 7, Zurich, 1813, p. 1559
  • Christoph Johann Gottfried Haymann: Dresden writers and artists, some recently deceased, some now living. , Dresden, 1809, p. 391
  • Johann Gottlieb August Klänke: The latest learned Dresden or news from Dresden scholars, writers, artists, library and art collectors who are now living. Leipzig, 1796, pp. 150-153
  • Heinrich Keller: News from all artists living in Dresden. Leipzig, 1788, pp. 156-160

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Austrian National Library Vienna / PORT_00116586_01 , there also a silhouette
  2. He signs with Schulze, e.g. B. on the copper engraving by Palitzsch or in: Das Seifersdorfer Thal, 1792 (but on the title page Dresden, at the Hofkuperstech Schultze .)
  3. Academy of the Arts Berlin (member database)
  4. cf. Klabe: Latest learned Dresden. 1796
  5. see Nagler: New general artist lexicon. 1846
  6. General German Library , 1793, Volume 113, pp. 412–421 / 433
  7. ^ Nagler: New general artist lexicon. 1846
  8. "... Mr. Schulze engraved the portrait of the famous farmer Palizsch, in folio format, at the instigation of Mr. von Ferbers . The signature of the sheet is: Ioannes Georgius Palizsch, ... {Latin text} ... The engraving is in a strong manner; the head, after a painting by Graff, witty, speaking and similar to all of Graff's heads; the decorations, based on a drawing by Schenau, are chosen with taste and beautifully executed: In short, this copper engraving is one of the very good sheets ... ”, New Library of the Beautiful Sciences and the Freyen Künste, 1783, Vol. 29–30, p. 323
  9. A beautiful portrait of the learned farmer, JG Palitzsch, at Prohlis near Dresden, has Mr. Schulz in Dresden 1782 in fol. Engraved. General German Library, 1785, p. 410