Christian Heinrich Alardus

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Christian Heinrich Alardus (born March 8, 1789 in Hamburg ; † June 3, 1866 there ) was a Hamburg merchant and senator.


Alardus was a great-grandson of Nikolaus Alard . His father was the Hamburg merchant and since 1784 Hamburg Senator Christian Heinrich Alardus (born September 24, 1729 Steinbeck; † March 24, 1791 Hamburg), his mother was Dorothea Alardus née Stresow (born May 12, 1746 in Hamburg; † April 29 1817 ibid). Alardus married his cousin Marie Louise Stresow on August 19, 1815 (born September 29, 1796 in Hamburg; † March 12, 1850 there). The sister Johanne Cäcilie Stresow married August Georg Kunhardt, they became the parents of Ferdinand Kunhardt .


"Christian Hinrich Alardus", Ohlsdorf cemetery

Alardus was a businessman, first in the company Alardus & Amsinck , later this was converted into CH Alardus & Son . He was elected to the Hamburg Senate , then called Rath, on April 24, 1835 .

In the Ohlsdorf cemetery , senators (III) of the Althamburg Memorial Cemetery are commemorated on the collective grave memorial plate, including Christian Heinrich Alardus.


Alardusstrasse in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel was named after him.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Georg Allardt: Scattered in all winds: The Alard family [us], exiles from Brussels, in Holstein, Hamburg, near Magdeburg and in Courland . In: Familienkundliches Jahrbuch Schleswig-Holstein / Ed. Schleswig-Holsteinische Familienforschung eV, Volume 24 1985, pp. 53–58
  2. DGB 19 | HGB 2 p. 390ff
  3. Rita Bake: A Memory of the City. Streets, squares and bridges in Hamburg named after women and men . Volume 3. Alphabetical listing of the streets and other traffic areas in Hamburg named after men with a selection of short vitae. Status: March 2016, p. 34