Christian Thanhäuser

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Christian Thanhäuser (* 1956 in Linz , Austria ) is an Austrian artist, illustrator and publisher. In 1989 he founded the Edition Thanhäuser publishing house , which has published over 100 titles to date.

In addition to his publishing activities, Christian Thanhäuser has illustrated books with woodcuts and pen drawings for publishers: Insel Bücherei | Suhrkamp , Matthes & Seitz Berlin , Friedenauer Presse Berlin, Kalligram Budapest, Haymon Verlag Innsbruck, Wieser Verlag Klagenfurt, edition fundamental Fulda, New Literature Bucharest, Poeteka Tirana, Al-Kamel Beirut, Ketos Verlag Vienna, Edition Tandem Salzburg.

Christian Thanhäuser's artistic works have been shown in solo exhibitions at home and abroad, including in: Albania , China , Germany , Italy , Austria , Switzerland , Slovenia , the Czech Republic , Turkey , Ukraine , Hungary .

Thanhäuser lives in Ottensheim .

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