Christian Tubingius

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Christian Tubingius
Chronicle of Christian Tubingius, copy

Christian Tubingius (* around 1500 in Markdorf ; † 1563 in Bebenhausen ) was the last Catholic abbot in the Blaubeuren monastery from 1545 to 1562 . The Latin surname suggests that he was a Tübinger .

From around 1520 he created the Blaubeuren monastery yearbooks, the Burrensis oenobii annales , on the basis of documents, chronicles, library directories, fraternization agreements and lists of the dead in the monastery archives and library. He attached great importance to the truth of history ( veritas historiae ) and assured him that he did not want to spread old women gossip and that facts that could not be proven in a document would not be presented as historical facts.

He reports in detail on the founding history of the Blaubeuren monastery. To do this, he excerpted a lot from old documents, although it was sometimes difficult for him to decipher old texts. But it was inevitable that he occasionally tried to close source-related gaps in the sequence of historical events by making plausible assumptions and also wrote down some things that he only knew or suspected from hearsay.


  • Christian Tubingius, Burrensis Coenobii Annales . The chronicle of the Blaubeuren monastery. Brösamle, Gertrud and Maier, Bruno [Ed.] - Stuttgart (1966).


  1. Christian Friedrich Sattler: Topographical history of the Duchy of Würtemberg and all the same incorporated lordships, in which the cities, monasteries and the same offices are described in detail according to their location, former owners, fatefulness, natural and other peculiarities. Betulius, 1784, 619 pages. Page 523.
  2. a b K. Schreiner: Monasticism in the spirit of the Benedictine rule. The will to renew and reform in the Blaubeuren monastery during the high and late Middle Ages. In: Hansmartin Decker-Hauff and Immo Eberl (editors): Blaubeuren - The development of a settlement in southwest Germany. Sigmaringen, Jan Thorbecke Verlag 1986, pp. 93–167, esp. Page 95 (PDF; 4.0 MB)