Christo Zhivkov

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Christo Zhivkov (born February 18, 1975 in Sofia ) is a Bulgarian actor .

Christo Schiwkow initially worked as an assistant director on the film Vercingetorix - Fight Against Rome , before he took on the lead role in Ermanno Olmi's historical film The Medici Warrior in 2001 . Here he played Giovanni DeMedici .

Internationally, however, he became known in 2004 through Mel Gibson's Bible adaptation The Passion of the Christ . Here Schiwkow embodied Johannes , Christ's favorite disciple .

At the moment the young actor for is Italian / Chinese co-production The Counting House in front of the camera, a horror film , the 2006 Italy into the cinemas came. In 2007 he was a guest at the Berlinale 2007 with the Italian competition entry In Memoria Di M e.

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