Christoph Beyer (chronicler)

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Christoph Beyer (* 1458 near Konitz in West Prussia ; † February 2, 1518 in Danzig ) was a German chronicler .

Beyer had achieved considerable prosperity as a merchant in Danzig. His fortune allowed him to travel extensively through Norway and Spain . In 1497 he worked in Danzig as a lay judge , in 1502 he became a councilor there . As a councilor, Beyer dealt primarily with the administration of public buildings and with the construction of military fortifications. Lost genealogies and state parliament recesses are ascribed to him. He is also considered to be the author of a chronicle of Danzig for the period from 1481 to 1518. Its earlier existence, however, is only documented by references from later chroniclers.


Web links

  • Christoph Beyer in the repertory "Historical Sources of the German Middle Ages"