Christoph Harpprecht

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Christoph Harpprecht (* 1888 ; † April 15, 1966 ) was a German theologian.


After his time as an officer and leader of a mine throwing department, Harpprecht was a military pastor in World War I, initially pastor in Hochdorf near Vaihingen , then from 1926 inspector and second pastor in Korntal and finally Dean of Nürtingen .

In the time of National Socialism he became known for his courageous demeanor. He was a member of the Confessing Church. Because of a relationship between his daughter Lilly and an SS leader, in 1945 the church leadership caused the dean to give up his office and take over a hospital parish in Stuttgart.

His son was the journalist Klaus Harpprecht .

Awards (selection)


  • Steffen Seischab: A spectacular resignation. The departure of the Protestant dean Christoph Harpprecht in 1945 . In: Steffen Seischab: Nürtinger Köpf, Nürtingen: Senner 2018, pp. 214–221.

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