Clare Stinnes

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Clare Stinnes , b. Wagenknecht (born November 26, 1872 in Montevideo , Uruguay , † January 17, 1973 in Mülheim an der Ruhr ) was a German entrepreneur and the wife of the Ruhr industrialist Hugo Stinnes .

She was the daughter of Edmund Karl Wagenknecht, a merchant who worked for a while in Montevideo, and Clementine, a daughter of Hermann Heinrich von Eicken .

Cläre Wagenknecht got engaged to Hugo Stinnes in Norderney on July 10, 1894 , the wedding took place on June 15, 1895 in Wiesbaden . The marriage had seven children: Edmund (1896–1980), Hugo Hermann (1897–1982), Clärenore (1901–1990), Otto (1903–1983), Hilde (1904–1975), Ernst (1911–1986) and Else (1913-1997).

After the death of her husband in 1924, she became managing director of Hugo Stinnes GmbH , the trading part of Hugo Stinnes' company empire. After the Second World War , she lived at Gut Nückel for nine months . Until a few years before her death, she managed the company , which was active in freight forwarding , shipping , wholesale, foreign trade and banking .


  • Bernhard-Michael Domberg and Klaus Rathje: The Stinnes - From the Rhine into the world. History of an entrepreneurial family . Signum Verlag, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-85436-399-6 .
  • Peter Raap : A Swede as an administrator at Gut Nückel. The estate of the Stinnes company under the management of Gösta Hansson . In: Men from Morgenstern , Heimatbund an Elbe and Weser estuary e. V. (Ed.): Niederdeutsches Heimatblatt . No. 800 . Nordsee-Zeitung GmbH, Bremerhaven August 2016, p. 2–3 ( digitized version [PDF; 7.2 MB ; accessed on October 12, 2018]).