Claudia Bruns

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Claudia Bruns (born 1969 ) is a German historian and professor of historical anthropology and gender studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin . Her research and publications focus on modern European cultural history as well as gender and body history .

Research and Teaching

From 1990 Claudia Bruns studied history, German, philosophy and education for teaching at the University of Hamburg and at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. In 1997 she passed her state examination with a thesis on Ricarda Huch's political conservatism with distinction. Between 1998 and 2001 she was a research assistant and coordinator of the research project Gender History of Politics in the 20th Century at the Department of Philosophy and History at the University of Hamburg, then until 2003 a research assistant at the University of Kassel . In 2004 she graduated with summa cum laude for Dr. phil. in Hamburg. The book Politics of Eros , published in 2008, was based on her dissertation on the male group around Hans Blüher and the relationship between politics and masculinity around 1900 . The men's association in science, politics and youth culture, 1880-1934 .

After positions as a research assistant and junior professor for the history of knowledge and gender studies , she was appointed to the professorship at the Institute for Cultural Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 2013, succeeding Christina von Braun .


  • 2002: Women's advancement award from the University of Hamburg

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