Clemens Horak

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Clemens Horak (born November 29, 1969 in Vienna ) is an Austrian oboist.

Live and act

Horak's first teachers were Ernst Kölz , Hans Maria Kneihs and Manfred Kautzky . In 1989 he passed the Matura at the Musikgymnasium Wien . Immediately afterwards, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra hired him as their first oboist. In addition to his work for the orchestra and other appearances as a soloist and chamber musician, he studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna . In 1994 he passed the diploma examination.

Clemens Horak made a name for himself as a specialist in the oboe solos of orchestral literature with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and participated in several chamber music formations. Among other things, he has performed as a soloist with the Ensemble Kontrapunkte and the Vienna University Orchestra .

In September 1998 he was appointed first oboist in the orchestra of the Vienna State Opera , before joining the Vienna Philharmonic in 2003 .

The Neue Zürcher Zeitung called Clemens Horak “a rebel on the oboe”.


Walter Dobner and Philipp Horak: Guest of the Vienna Philharmonic . Styria-Verlag 2009, ISBN 9783222132742

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Vienna Philharmonic : Two new members. October 27, 2003
  2. Martin Helg: A terribly nice family . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung , September 4, 2009