Georg von Scheidlein

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Johann Georg Scheidlein , from 1818 Edler von Scheidlein , (born September 22, 1747 in Vienna , † September 7, 1826 in Baden ) was an Austrian law scholar and university professor .


Nothing is known about Scheidlein’s early formation. It is only known that he became a law student at the University of Vienna and that he graduated before 1774. In that year he became a scientific teacher of law at the Theresian Knight Academy . This was followed in 1775 at the Vienna University his promotion to Dr. jur. with the dissertation De anno decretorio ad res merae facultatis, et adiaphora non pertante .

Scheidlein took in 1779 a reputation as a full professor of provincial rights and judicial practice at the University of Vienna and received in 1792 the professor of German business style added, after 1810, the private law. As early as 1785 he was appointed court and court lawyer , from 1791 he was also a notary and syndic of the University of Vienna. In 1818 he was raised to the Austrian nobility .

Works (selection)

  • De anno decretorio ad res merae facultatis, et adiaphora non pertante , Vienna 1755.
  • Declaration of the Austrian provincial law , Gaßler, Vienna 1804–1805.
  • Explanations on the general civil court order , 2 volumes, Vienna 1806.
  • Commentary on the introduction and the first main part of the first part of the general civil code , Vienna 1823.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. In the ADB, 1750 is mentioned differently.