Clitellaria ephippium

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Clitellaria ephippium
Clitellaria ephippium, male

Clitellaria ephippium , male

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Fly (Diptera)
Subordination : Flies (Brachycera)
Family : Gun flies (Stratiomyidae)
Genre : Clitellaria
Type : Clitellaria ephippium
Scientific name
Clitellaria ephippium
( Fabricius , 1775)

Clitellaria ephippium is a fly from the family of the soldier flies (Stratiomyidae).


The flies reach a body length of 10 to 13 millimeters. Her body is colored black, the mesonotum is covered in bright red velvety. On the sides of the mesonotum sit thorns that are twice as long as the base of the mesonotum is wide. The abdomen is relatively wide. The wings are tinted brown.

Occurrence and way of life

The species is common in western and southern Europe. The larvae develop predatory in ant nests, for example in Formica fulginosa .

supporting documents


  • Joachim Haupt, Hiroko Haupt: Flies and Mosquitoes. Observation, way of life . 1st edition. Naturbuch-Verlag, Jena and Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-89440-278-4 .