Codex Moscoviensis Gr. 31

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The Codex Moscoviensis (No. 127 according to Rahlfs ) is a parchment manuscript from the 10th century. It contains the text of the biblical books from Genesis to Second Chronicles in Greek . The manuscript consists of 440 sheets, of which sheets 1–59 and 434–440 were added on paper in the 15th century. Numerous quotes from the Hexapla version are added to the margin .

The manuscript was in the Iviron monastery on Mount Athos . Arseni Sukhanov brought them to Moscow around the middle of the 17th century . There it was given to the library of the Holy Synod . Today it is in the Synodal Collection in the State Historical Museum in Moscow with the signature Syn. Gr. 31 (old Vlad.1).

Text output


  • Alfred Rahlfs : Septuagint Studies I – III. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1965, p. 15.
  • Alfred Rahlfs : Directory of the Greek manuscripts of the Old Testament. Weidmann, Berlin 1914, Sigel 127.
  • Систематическое описание рукописей Московской Синодальной (Патриаршей) библиотеки архимандрита Владимира . Ч. 1. Рукописи греческие. ( Systematic description of the manuscripts of the Moscow Synodal (Patriarchal) Library by Archimandrite Vladimir , Volume 1: Greek Manuscripts ). Moscow 1894, p. 1.
  • Б. Л. Фонкич, Ф. Б. Поляков: Греческие рукописи Московской Синодальной библиотеки: Палеографические, кодикологические и библиографические дополнения к каталогу архимандрита Владимира (Филантропова). (BL Fonkič, FB Poljakow: Greek manuscripts of the Moscow Synodal Library: paleographic, codicological and bibliographical additions to the catalog of the Archimandrite Vladimir .) Синодальная библиотека (Synodal Library), Moscow 1993.