List of Septuagint manuscripts

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The list of the Septuagint manuscripts reproduces a selection of the Greek manuscripts of the Old Testament ( Hebrew Bible ) in the order of Alfred Rahlfs . A total of around 2000 manuscripts and fragments of manuscripts are known today.

Sigle groups

They are divided into

The numbering is not continuous, so there are sigla up to 7109.

Uppercase manuscripts A – Z

symbol Surname time content archive city
A. Codex Alexandrinus around 450 almost complete text, 3 and 4 Maccabees, Oden Solomos, and NT British Library , Royal 1 D. VIII London
B. Codex Vaticanus 350 Gen 46:28 to Heb 9:14 Vaticana , Gr. 1209 Rome
C. Codex Ephraemi 450 Palimpsest, only 54 sheets, incomplete Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, wisdom of Solomon, Jesus Sirach Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 9 Paris
D. Codex Cottonianus (Cotton Genesis) 5th / 6th Century 35 sheets, Genesis (Fragm.) British Library , Otho Cotton B VI
Bodleian Library
F. Codex Ambrosianus A 147 5th century Genesis 31:15 - Joshua 12:12 Biblioteca Ambrosiana , A. 147 inf. Milan
G Codex Colberto-Sarravianus 4th / 5th Century Genesis 31.5 - Judges 21.12 Bibl. Uniw., Voss. graec. in qu. 8th;
Bibliothèque nationale de France , Grec 17;
Russian National Library , Gr. 3
Suffering ;
Paris ;
K Fragmenta lipsiensia 7th / 8th Century only 22 sheets (palimpsest), parts of Numbers - Richter University Library , Cod. Tisch. 2;
Russian National Library Gr. 26th
Leipzig ;
St. Petersburg
L. Viennese Genesis 5th / 6th Century Genesis (with gaps) Austrian National Library , Theol. size 31 Vienna
M. Codex Coislinianus 7th century Genesis 1,1 - 3rd Kgt (3rd Kingdoms) (almost complete), 227 sheets Bibliothèque nationale de France , Coisl. Size 1 Paris
Q Codex Marchalianus 7th century Great and Minor Prophets Vaticana , Gr. 2125 Rome
R. Codex Veronensis 6th century Psalms, odes Biblioteca Capitolare, I. Verona
S. Codex Sinaiticus at 350 almost complete text; also NT British Library , Add. 43725;
Leipzig University Library , Gr. 1;
Russian National Library , Gr. 2; Size 259; Size 843; Funds. d. Ges. F. old ref., Oct 156;
Neus Coll. MΓ 1
London ;
Leipzig ;
Petersburg ;
T Codex Turicensis 7th century Psalms, odes (incomplete) Central Library , RP 1 or C 84 Zurich
U Papyrus London 37 7th century Ps 10.2-18.6; 20.14-34.6 British Library , P. Inv. No. 37 London
V Codex Basiliano-Vaticanus 8th century full text (with gaps) Vaticana , Vat. Gr. 2106;
Bibl. Marc. Size 1
Rome ;
W. Washington Twelve Prophets Code (Washington Manuscript V) Mid 3rd century Minor Prophets (with gaps) Freer Gallery of Art , Inv. F1916.768 Washington, DC
W I Washington Manuscript I ( Codex Washingtonensis ) 5th century Dtn (Dtn 5.16-6.18 absent); Jos (Jos 3, 3–4, 10 missing), originally also contained Gen – Num Freer Gallery of Art , Inv. No. 1906.272 Washington, DC
Z Fragmenta Tischendorfiana 4-8 Century

Ri 16.29-21.5 (with gaps)
2nd, 3rd Kgt (with gaps)

Isa 3, 5, 19, 44–45 (with gaps)
Ps 141, 142, 144 (with gaps)
3. Kgt 8,58–9,1
Dan 3,2–15

Vaticana , Vat. Syr. 162;
British Library , Add 14665; Z I - Z VI
Rome ;

Older letter sigla

Manuscripts 13 to 311

symbol Surname time content archive city
13 Codex Bodleianus Auct. D. 4.1 around 950 Cat. in. Ps., Od. Bodleian Library , Auct. D. 4.1 Oxford
14th 11th century Cat. in Gen., Exod. Vatican Library , Vat. Palat. Size 203 Rome
15th 10th century Oktateuch Bibliothèque nationale de France , Coisl. Size 2 Paris
16 11th century Oktateuch Biblioteca Laurenziana v. 38 Florence
17th 10th century Cat. in Gen. State Historical Museum , Syn. 385, Vlad. 28. Moscow
18th 11th century Genesis, Cat. in Exod. - Ruth Biblioteca Laurenziana , Pal. 242 Florence
19th 12th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esra, Jud., Est., Mach I-III Chigi R. VI. 38 Rome
22nd 10th century XII + IV prophets British Library , Royal 1 B. II London
25th 11th century Cat. in Gen. Exod. Bavarian State Library , Gr. 9 Munich
26th 10th century XII + IV prophets Vatican Library , 556 Rome
27 Gotha Psalter 9th century Ps. Research library , membrane. I 17 Gotha
28 10/11 Century Num.-Jos Vatican Library , 2122 Rome
29 14th century Oktateuch, 1st – 2nd centuries Kgt. (X / XI), 1st Makk -3. Makk 1.1 Bibl. Marc., Gr. 2 Venice
30th 11./12. Century Oktateuch Biblioteca Casanatense 1444 Rome
31 15th century Cat. in. Gen. Austrian National Library , Theol. Size 7th Vienna
34 12th century Daniel Vatican Library , 803 Rome
35 12th century Daniel Vatican Library , 866 Rome
36 11th century XII + IV prophets Vatican Library , 347 Rome
43 Paris Psalter Gr. 20th 10th century Psalms Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 20th Paris
44 Codex Zittaviensis 15th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esra., Mac. I-IV, Est., Jud., Tob. + NT (Bible) Christian-Weise Library , A 1 Zittau
46 13./14. Century AT without psalms Bibliothèque nationale de France , Coils. 4th Paris
48 10/11 Century XII + IV prophets Vatican Library , 1794 Rome
49 11th century Cat. in XII Prophets, Cat. in Jer. - Dan. Biblioteca Laurenziana , Plut. XI 4 Florence
51 11th century XII + IV prophets Biblioteca Laurenziana , Plut. X 8 Florence
52 14th century Cat. in. Pent. (X / XI), Jos - Rut., Kgt., Par., Esra., Est., Jud., Mac. I-IV, Tob. Biblioteca Laurenziana , Acquisti 44 Florence
53 1439 Oktateuch Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 17 A Paris
54 13./14. Century Oktateuch Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 5 Paris
55 10th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esr., Jud., Est., Tob., Mac. I-IV, Job., Ps., Od. Vaticana , Regin. gr. 1
56 1093 Oktateuch, Kgt., Par. I-II 13:15, Mac. I and II (frag.) Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 3 Paris
57 11th century Catena in Octateuchum Vaticana , 747 Rome
58 11th century Oktateuch, Mac. I-IV, Esr., Est., Jud., Tob., Dan. Vaticana , Regin. size 10 Rome
59 15th century Oktateuch and a section from 3rd Kgt Univ. Libr., BE 7 b . 10 Glasgow
60 10th century Par. Univ. Libr., Ff. I. 24 Cambridge
62 11th century XII + IV proph., Mac. I-IV New Coll., 44 Oxford
64 10th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esr., Est., Tob., Jud., Mac. I-III Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr 2 Paris
65 14th century Ps. Od. University Library , Gr. 4th Leipzig
66 15th century Ps. Od. Eton College , Bk.6.2 Eton, Berkshire
67 16th century Ps.Od. Corp. Chr. Coll., 19th century Oxford
68 15th century complete Old Testament (and New Testament) Bibl. Marc., Gr. 5 Venice
69 12th century Ps.Od. Magdalen Coll., Gr. 9 Oxford
71 13th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Jud., Tob. Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 1 Paris
72 13th century Oktateuch Bodleian Library , Canonic. size 35 Oxford
73 11./12. Century Catena in Octateuchum Vaticana , 746
74 13th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esdr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt., Tob. Biblioteca Laurenziana , S. Marco 700 Florence
75 1125 Oktateuch Univ. Coll., 52 Oxford
76 13th century Oktateuch, Est., Idt., Tob. Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 4th Paris
77 13./14. Century Catena in Octateuchum Vaticana , 748 Rome
78 12th century Catena in Gen. and Exod. Vaticana , 383
79 12./13. Century Cat. in Gen. Vaticana , 1668 Rome
80 11./12. Century Ps.Od. Christ Church, 44 Oxford
81 1184 Ps.Od. Christ Church, 42 Oxford
82 12th century Oktateuch, Kgt. Bibliothèque nationale de France , Coisl. 3 Paris
83 16th century Cat. in pent. Archivo da Torre do Tombo, 540, 669, 668, 671, 670. Lisbon
84 10/11 Century Oktateuch Vaticana , Vat., Gr. 1901 Rome
85 10th century Oktateuch Vaticana , Vat., Gr. 2058 Rome
86 9/10 Century XII, Is., Jer., Cat. in Ez., Vaticana , Barber. gr. 549 Rome
87 10th century Cat. in. XII + IV proph. Vaticana , Chigi R. VIII 54 Rome
88 Codex Chisianus 10th century Jeremias, Daniel (version LXX ), Ezekiel, Isaiah Vaticana , Chigi R. VII 45 Rome
90 11th century Cat. Nicandae in IV proph. Biblioteca Laurenziana , Plut. V 5 Florence
91 11th century Cat. in XII + IV proph. Vaticana , Ottob gr. 452 Rome
92 11th century Kgt. Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 8th Paris
93 13th century Ruth, Kgt., Par., Esdr. II, Est. (L), Mac. I-III, Est. (O), Is. British Library , Royal 1 D. II London
96 11th century XII + IV proph. Kgl. Bibl., Ny Kgl. Saml., 4 °, No. 5 Copenhagen
97 12./13. Century Cat. in XII + IV proph. Vaticana , 1153 i 1154 Rome
98 13th century Cat. in Reg., Par., Esdr., Est., Tob., Idt., Mac. I-II Real Bibl., Σ-II-19 El Escorial
99 12th century Ps.Od. Trinity Coll., 78 Oxford
100 12th century Ps.Od. Christ Church, 41 Oxford
101 13th century Ps.Od. Christ Church, 61 Oxford
102 12th century Ps.Od. Christ Church, 43 Oxford
103 15th century Prov. Austrian National Library , Theol. gr. 238 Vienna
104 15th century Cat. in Is. (Comm. in Ps 1-9) Austrian National Library , Theol. gr. 229 Vienna
106 15th century Old and New Testament Bibl. Comun., 187 I-III Ferrara
107 1334 Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esdr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt., Tob. Bibl. Comun., 188 I. Ferrara
108 13th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esdr., Idt., Est (Lu, O-tekst), Tob. Vaticana , Vat., Gr. 300 Rome
109 around 1235 Cat. in Prov., Cat in Andreae in Is. Austrian National Library , Theol. size 24 Vienna
110 1549 Job Austrian National Library , Theol. gr. 230 Vienna
111 9/10 Century Ps.Od. Biblioteca Ambrosiana , + 24 sup. Milan
112 around 960 Cat. in Ps.Od. Biblioteca Ambrosiana , F. 12 sup. Milan
113 around 966 Cat. in Ps.Od. Biblioteca Ambrosiana , B. 106 sup. Milan
118 11./12. Century Oktateuch Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 6th Paris
119 10th century Kgt., Par., Esdr. Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 7th Paris
120 11th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esdr., Mac I-IV, Est. Bibl. Marc., Gr. 4th Venice
121 11th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esdr. Bibl. Marc., Gr. 3 Venice
122 15th century AT + NT Bibl. Marc., Gr. 6th Venice
125 14th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par., Esdr., Mac. I-IV, Est., Idt., Tob., Prov., Eccl., Cant., Sap. State Historical Museum , 30 Moscow
126 1475 Cat. in Gen. and Exod., Lev.-Jg, Idt., Tob. State Historical Museum , 19 Moscow
Codex Moscoviensis Gr. 31 10th century Oktateuch, Kgt., Par. State Historical Museum , 31 Moscow

Manuscripts 801 to 976

symbol Surname time content archive city
801 4Q119
(4Q LXXLev a )
1st century BC Chr. Leviticus 26: 2-16 fragm. Rockefeller Museum , Gr. 1004 [4Q119] Jerusalem
802 4Q120
(4Q LXXLev b )
1st century BC Chr. Leviticus 1:11, 2: 3-6: 5 fragm. Rockefeller Museum , 4Q120 Jerusalem
803 4Q121
(4Q LXXNum)
1st century BC Chr. Num. 3: 39-4: 16 fragm. Rockefeller Museum , Gr. 265 [4Q121] Jerusalem
804 7Q2
1st century BC Chr. Letter of Jeremiah 43-44 fragm. Rockefeller Museum , Gr. 789 [7Q2] Jerusalem
805 7Q1
(7Q LXXEx)
1st century BC Chr. Exodus 28: 4-7 fragm. Rockefeller Museum , Gr. 789 [7Q1] Jerusalem
806 5th century Gene. 27: 43-28: 6 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 26101 Vienna
807 5th century Gene. 43: 16-17. 20-21 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 26112 Vienna
808 5th century Exod. 16:32, 17: 1-2 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 39210 Vienna
809 6th century Lev. 8: 14-15, 17-19 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 19893 Vienna
810 5th / 6th Century Prov. 26:11, 16-18 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 3077 Vienna
811 5th century Prov. 27: 10-11, 15-16 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 39209 Vienna
812 5th / 6th Century Prov. 30:32 - 31: 1.3-6 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 30135 Vienna
813 6th century Dan. o '3: 23-25 ​​fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 29255 Vienna
814 2nd century Gene. 14: 5-8.12-15 fragm. Yale University , P. CtYBR Inv. 419 New Haven
815 Erlangen Papyrus 1 4th / 5th Century Gene. 41: 48-57 fragm. University Library , P. Erl. Inv. 2 gain
816 Papyrus Schøyen 2648 2nd century Jos 9: 27-11: 3 (Lac.) Schøyen Collection , MS 2648 Oslo
817 4th century Jer. 17: 26-27, 18: 8-11, 46: 14-47: 1.7-9 fragm. University Library , Inv. 2250 Paris
818 3rd century Eccl. 3: 17f, 21f, 6: 3-5.8-11 fragm. University of Michigan , P. Mich. Inv. 27;
Univ. S. Cuore, P. Med. Inv. 151
Ann Arbor ;
819 4Q122
(4Q LXXDeut)
2nd century BC Chr. Deut 11: 4 fragm. Rockefeller Museum , Gr. 265 [4Q122] Jerusalem
820 9th century? Gene. 10: 12-13 Treasury of the Umayyad Mosque , Treu Nr. I (whereabouts unclear) Damascus
821 5th / 6th Century Reg. III 18: 26-22: 10 (Lac.) Treasury of the Umayyad Mosque , Treu Nr. II (whereabouts unclear) Damascus
822 5th / 6th Century Est. 8: 10-E4 Treasury of the Umayyad Mosque , Treu Nr. III (whereabouts unclear) Damascus
823 5th / 6th Century? Idt. 2:19 Treasury of the Umayyad Mosque , Treu Nr. IV (whereabouts unclear) Damascus
824 5th century Prov. 4: 26-5: 8, 6: 8a-16 Treasury of the Umayyad Mosque , Treu No. VI (whereabouts unclear) Damascus
825 4th / 5th Century Cant. 2: 1-6, 2: 17-3: 2, 5: 8-13 Treasury of the Umayyad Mosque , Treu No. VII (whereabouts unclear) Damascus
826 5th / 6th Century Sap. 10: 19-11: 11 Treasury of the Umayyad Mosque , Treu Nr. VIII (whereabouts unclear) Damascus
[827] 6th century? Jer. 25: 10-12 Treasury of the Umayyad Mosque , Treu No. IX (whereabouts unclear) Damascus
828 3rd / 4th Century Sir 29: 15-18, 25-27 fragm. Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli " , Inv. 531 Florence
829 3rd century Excerpta Os. 2: 10-9: 6, Am. 2: 8-10.15 British Library , P. Inv. No. 10825 London
830 Papyrus Schøyen 2649 2nd century Lev. 10: 15-13: 6, 23: 20-30, 25: 30-40 (Lac.) Schøyen Collection , MS 2649 Oslo
831 P. 17035 5th / 6th Century Gene. 36: 14-15.23-24 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 17035 Berlin
832 4th century Gene. 13: 7-8.10-11 fragm. University of Michigan , P. Mich. Inv. 2724 Ann Arbor
833 8/9 Century Gene. 10: 20-13: 3, Num. 3: 43-4: 7 Bibl. Univ., S. Salv. 140 + 126 Messina
834 P. 6788 5th / 6th Century Job 31: 32-34, 31: 39-32: 1 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 6788 Berlin
835 P. 11766 + P. 14046 4th century Exod. 5: 14-17, 6: 22-25, 7: 15-17 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 11766 + 14046 Berlin
836 P. 14039 3rd / 4th Century Exod. 34: 35-35: 8 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 14039 Berlin
837 Papyrus Berlin 17212 3rd century Jeremiah 2: 2: 3, 8–9.16–19.24–26.30–32.37; 3: 1.6-7.12-13.18.24-25 Egyptian Museum , P. 17212 Berlin
838 P. 18196 4th century Cant. 5: 13-6: 4 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 18196 Berlin
839 7th / 8th Century Jos 4: 3-11 Westminster College, Cod. Clim. Rescr., P. 5 Cambridge
{840} Bibl. Univ., S. Salv. 126: s. 833 (locked) Messina
841 6./7. Century Esdr.I 2:10, 9: 21-24 fragm. Metropolitan Museum of Art , Inv. 12.180.184 new York
842 Papyrus Feinberg 1 4th century 1. Sam. 23: 28-24: 2.6-8.12-13.18-20 fragm. formerly Columbia University , P. Feinberg 1 (sold) new York
843 4th / 5th Century Exod. 4: 4-6 Bodleian Library , Gr. bibl. G. 2 (P) Oxford
844 3rd century Is. 23: 4-7.10-13 Library of Congress , 4082 B. Washington, DC
845 4th century 1. Sam. 13: 16-18.20-21; 13: 23-14: 1.3-4; 18: 8-25 Austrian National Library , Suppl. Gr. 187;
Biblioteca Laurenziana , PL Inv. III / 957
Vienna ;
846 4th / 5th Century 1. Sam. 24: 11-17; 24: 20-25: 20; 31: 12- II 2: 4 fragm. Yale University , MS 544 New Haven
847 Papyrus Fouad 266 2./1. Century BC Chr. Deuteronomy 10:22; 11: 1.10, 11.16; 31: 26-19; 32: 2.4; 33: 14-19.22-23.26-27 Egyptian Museum , Gr. P. 458 Cairo
848 Papyrus Fouad 266 2./1. Century BC Chr. Deuteronomy 17:14 - 33:29 (with gaps) Egyptian Museum , Gr. P. 458 Cairo
849 7th / 8th Century Job 7: 8-11 fragm. John Rylands Library , P. Ryl. Copt. 3 Manchester
850 3rd / 4th Century Is. 48: 6-18 fragm. Greco-Roman Museum , P. Alex. Inv 203 Alexandria
851 4th century Jer. 5: 10-6: 10 Library of Geneva , P. Gen. large Inv. 252 Geneva
852 5th century Is. 1: 22-2: 2 fragm. Institute for Classical Studies, P. Colon. Inv. 2420 Cologne
853 6./7. Century Dan. 6:20 Bodleian Library , Gr. bibl. c. 2 (P) Oxford
854 3rd century Job 9: 2, 12-13 fragm. Chester Beatty Library , P. Ch. Beatty XVIII Dublin
855 6th century Job 7: 9-10: 14 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 35767 Vienna
856 4th century Sap. 4: 17-5: 1 frag. P.Oxy. 4444 Oxyrhynchus
857 Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 3522 1st century Job 42:11, 12 Sackler Library , P.Oxy.L 3522 Oxford
858 3rd century Lev. 19: 16-19.31-33 fragm. Institute for Papyrology , P. Heid. Inv. G 954 Heidelberg
859 4th century Sap. 17: 5-20 fragm. Institute for Classical Studies, P. Colon. Inv. 5849 Cologne
860 5th century Reg. III 2: 30-31.35 fragm. University Library, P. Amst. Inv. 45 Amsterdam
861 Papyrus Bodmer XLV 3rd / 4th Century Sus., Dan. 1: 1-20 frag. Bibliotheca Bodmeriana , P. Bodm. XLV / XLVI Cologny ( Canton of Geneva )
{862} 3rd / 4th Century Bibliotheca Bodmeriana , P. Bodm. XLVI to no.861 Cologny ( Canton of Geneva )
863 Schøyen MS 2633 4th / 5th Century Sir 29: 13-26 fragm. Schøyen Collection , MS 2633 (formerly Fackelmann Collection , PA Fackelmann 12) Oslo
864 4th / 5th Century Sir 26: 1-2.5-7; 27: 29-28: 2.5-8 fragments. Biblioteca Laurenziana , PL Inv. III / 424 Florence
865 Horsley III papyrus 4th century Exod. 4: 2-6, 14-17 fragm. Collection GHR Horsley , P. Horsley III Armidale , Australia
866 Papyrus Rahlfs 866 4th century Exod. 4: 16-7: 21; 33: 11-35: 4 (lac.) Schøyen Collection , MS 187;
Beincke Library , Yale University , P. CtYBL 4475;
Oslo ;
New Haven ;
867 7th century Reg. I 4: fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 21291 Berlin
868 6./7. Century Reg. IV 20: 5-6.10-12 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 21289 Berlin
869 Papyrus Palau-Ribes 163 3rd / 4th Century Est. 4: 4-5.8-11 fragm. Archivo Histórico SJ, P. Palau Rib. Inv. 163 Barcelona
870 Papyrus Palau-Ribes 225 4th / 5th Century Eccl. 1-4.7.8; Cant. 4; Sir 48.50f fragm. Archivo Histórico SJ, P. Palau Rib. Inv. 225r Barcelona
871 4th / 6th Century? Prov 7: 3-13 University of Michigan , P. Mich. Inv. 768 Ann Arbor
872 4th century Jer. 41: 3.1-11; 42: 9-10.16-17 Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 19891 Vienna
873 5th century Jer. 31: 15-17.22.25-27 Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 26072 Vienna
874 P. PSI 74 6th century Jer. 24: 9-10; 25: 16-17 fragm. Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli " , PSI Inv. 74 Florence
875 3rd century Dan. o '1: 2-5.6-10 fragm. NLH No. II ?
876 5th century? Vol. 3: 15.20; 13: 11/10/16; 16: 6-8.11-12.21-23.26 fragm. Morgan Library , Pap. G. 198 new York
877 5th century Exod. 21: 27-28.36 fragm. Biblioteca Laurenziana , PL Inv. III / 310B Florence
878 Papyrus PSI 2666 3rd century Tob. 12: 6-11 Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli " , PSI Inv. 2666 Florence
879 4th century Gene. 34: 21-22.25 fragm. Egyptian Museum , SR 3805 (9) Cairo
880 7th century Par. I 25: 26-29; 26:30 (?); II 4: 6-8; 6: 19-20; 29: 3 Katharinenkloster , P. Sinai Gr. 1 (= Π 1) Sinai Peninsula
881 3rd century Is. 33: 7-8.17-19; 40: 13-14.24-26 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 23164 + 17417 Vienna
[882] 5th century Sir 1: 25-2: 11 NLH No. I (missing) ?
883 5th / 6th Century Gene. 37: 3-4.8-9 fragm. Library of Geneva , P. Gen. large Inv. 99 Geneva
[884] 5th / 6th Century Deut. 24: 15-21; 25: 3.6-8; 27: 4-8.11-12.21-26; 28:; 29: 22-24 fragm. University Library, P. 19, No. 1-9, + P. 13 + P. 22 + P. 26 (destroyed) to water
885 5th / 6th Century Exod. 9: 1-2.6-8.10-11.14 fragm. Bodleian Library , Gr. bibl. f. 4 (P) Oxford
886 5th century Gene. 25: 19-22; 26: 3-4; Exod. 3: 2-8.12-13.16-19 fragm. Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire , Pap. Gr. 748;
Univ., Inv. P. Lange 32 A
Strasbourg ;
887 4th century Num. 6: 22-23.25-27.24 Byzantine Museum,? Thessaloniki
888 around 700 Sap. 10: 8-9.17 University Library, Khirband Mird PAM 21 a + b Leuven
889 4th century Sap. 4:12 (?); 11:19; Sir 25:16; Ps 7:12 P.Oxy. 2073 Oxyrhynchus
890 7th century Prov. 10-14.16.18 frag., NT University of Michigan , P. Mich. 3718 Ann Arbor
891 4th / 5th Century Gene. 27: 30-28: 10 Katharinenkloster, New Coll., ΜΓ 76 Sinai Peninsula
892 7th century Sir 10 and 13 (lac.) Katharinenkloster, New Coll., ΜΓ 77 Sinai Peninsula
893 8th century Sir 33:13; 34: 1-37: 5 Katharinenkloster, New Collection, ΜΓ 107 Sinai Peninsula
894 5th / 6th Century Gene. 36: 11-12.18-19 fragm. Institute for Papyrology , P. Heid. Inv. G 5148 Heidelberg
895 5th century Ps. 118: 2; Thr. 3: 27-31, parts d. NT University of Michigan , P. Mich. 1574 Ann Arbor
896 3rd century Exod. 22:27; 22: 31-23: 2.14-16 Woodbr. Coll., OLCR, P. Inv. 54 c Birmingham
897 4th century Jer. 14: 3-5.7-9 private collections of Cambridge
901 7th century Gene. 5: 10-13.28-30 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 6770 Berlin
902 4th century Is. 36: 16-20; 37: 1-6 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 6772 Berlin
903 3rd / 4th Century Gene. 27: 29-30.37-39; 28: 1-5 frag. Egyptian Museum , P. 9778 Berlin
904 4th century Is. 49: 16-18 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 13422 Berlin
905 Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 656 2nd / 3rd Century Genesis 14: 21-23, 15: 5-9, 19: 32-20: 11, 24: 28-47, 27: 32,33,40,41 fragm. Bodleian Library , Ms. Gr. Bibl. D 5 Oxford
906 Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 846 6th century Amos 2: 6-12 Penn Museum , University of Pennsylvania , E 3074 Philadelphia
907 Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1007 3rd century Genesis 2: 7-9.16-19.23-3: 1.6-8 British Library , Inv. 2047 London
908 Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1074 3rd century Exod. 31: 13-14; 32: 7-8 fragm. University of Illinois , Inv. 1914.21.0021 Urbana
909 Papyrus 18 3rd / 4th Century Exodus 40:26 (end of chapter) British Library , Inv. 2053v London
910 P. Oxyrhynchus 1076 6th century Tob. 2: 2-5: 8 John Rylands Library , Ms. Gr. 448 Manchester
911 Berlin Genesis 3rd / 4th Century Genesis 1: 16-38: 5 (lac.) Institute for Papyrology , P.Berlin Cod. Gr. fol. 66 I / II Warsaw
912 Papyrus 12 3rd century Genesis 1: 1-5 sec. O 'and a' Morgan Library , Pap. Gr. 3; P. Amherst 3b new York
913 6./7. Century Job 1: 15-22; 2: 3; 5: 24-6: 9; 14: 1-5.12-14; 25: 4-5; 26: 5-8 fragm. John Rylands Library , Gr. P. 2;
British Library , P. Inv. No. 1859 B;
PML, Pap. G. 4, Pap. G. 201, Fragm. 4 and 8
Manchester ;
London ;
new York
914 6th century Exod. 19: 1-2.5-6 fragm. Morgan Library , Pap. G. 191, Fragm. 1 new York
915 6th century Is. 58: 11-14 fragm. Morgan Library , Pap. G. 191, Fragm. 2 new York
916 6th century Deut. 32: 3-6.8-11 fragm. Morgan Library , Pap. G. 192 new York
917 6th century Prov. 10: 18-29 fragm. Morgan Library , Pap. G. 193 new York
918 Fragmenta Dublinensia 6th century Is. 30: 2-31: 7; 36: 17-38: 1 Trinity College , K. 3.4 Dublin
919 Papyrus Heidelberg G 600 7th century Zach. 4-14; Times. (lac.) Institute for Papyrology , P. Heid. Inv. G 600 Heidelberg
920 4th century Deut. 2: 37-3: 1.3-5.8-10.12-13 fragm. John Rylands Library , P. Gr. 1 Manchester
921 Fragmentum Bodleianum 4th / 5th Century Bel and Dr. 20-41 frag. Bodleian Library , Gr. bibl. d. 2 (P) Oxford
922 3rd / 4th Century Ez. 5: 12-6: 3 fragm. Bodleian Library , Gr. bibl. d. 4 (P) Oxford
923 4th / 5th Century Zach 12: 10-11; 13: 3-5. Bodleian Library , Gr. bibl. e. 4 (P) Oxford
924 7th / 8th Century Cant. 1: 6-9 frag. Bodleian Library , Gr. bibl. G. 1 (P) Oxford
925 4th century Dan. 1: 17-18 British Library , Or. 7594 London
926 7th / 8th Century Is. 3: 8-14; 5: 2-14; 29: 11-23; 44: 26-28; 45: 1-5 Russian National Library Gr. 23 St. Petersburg
927 6th century Ez. 4: 9-5: 12; 21: 6-17; 28: 25-29: 19; 39: 8-18; 40: 13-25 (Lac.) Vaticana , 2519, Bl. 25-32 + 35-38 Rome
928 3rd century Prov 5: 2-10: 18; 19: 10-20: 9 (Lac.); Sap. 11: 19-22; 12: 8-11; Sir 45: 14-14.20-22 fragm. Sackler Library, P. Ant. 8 + 210 Oxford
929 6./7. Century Sir prol. 19-3: 11 fragm. Patr.-Bibl., Τάφου 2, Bl. 56 and 27 Jerusalem
930 7th century? Mac. IV 8: 5-6.12-13.15.29; 9: 28-32 Russian National Library Gr. 225 (locked) St. Petersburg
931 4th century Lev. 22: 3-23: 22 Catherine's Monastery, Haris No. 15 Sinai Peninsula
932 4th century Vol. 20: 22-26.28; Ruth 2: 19-23; 3: 1-7 Haris No. 2 and 3 Sinai Peninsula
933 7th century Num. 32: 29-30 Haris No. 1 Sinai Peninsula
934 4th / 5th Century Reg. II 15: 34-16: 5 fragm. BNU, Pap. Gr. 911 + 1027 Strasbourg
935 4th century Gene. 37:35; 38: 1.5.9 fragm. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek , gr. 610 No. 1 Munich
936 5th century Lev. 1: 14-15; 2: 10-12 frag. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek , gr. 610 No. 2 Munich
937 7th century Vol. 5: 8-12 Bayerische Staatsbibliothek , gr. 610 No. 3 Munich
938 5th century Sir 42: 17-19 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 26782 Vienna
939 6th / 7th century Gene. 40: 3-4.6-7; 41: 8.10-12.39-41.43-44 fragm. Univ. Libr., Or. 1287;
Archabbey . Vitr. 46
Cambridge ;
940 8th century Gene. 21: 12-22: 5; 24: 15-44 frag. Bibliothèque nationale de France , Gr. 1397.2, pp. 9-10 + 14-15 Paris
941 7th century Od. 1 (Exod. 15), 1-19 short; Od. 3 (Reg. I 2), 1 Institute for Papyrology, P. Heid. Inv. G 1362 Heidelberg
942 Papyrus Fouad 266 2./1. Century BC Chr. Genesis 3: 10-12; 4: 5-7.23; 7: 17-20; 37: 34-38: 1; 38: 10-12 Egyptian Museum , Gr. P. 458 Cairo
943 Se2grXII 1st century XII little prophets fragm. Rockefeller Museum , Gr. Se2grXII Jerusalem
943a Scroll of the Twelve Prophets from Nachal Chever 1st century XII little prophets fragm. Rockefeller Museum , 8HevXII a Jerusalem
943b Scroll of the Twelve Prophets from Nachal Chever 1st century Zechariah 8: 18-9: 7 Rockefeller Museum , 8HevXII b Jerusalem
944 3rd century Gene. 6: 8-12 fragm. P.Oxy. 1166 Oxyrhynchus
945 4th century Gene. 31: 42-53 frag. P.Oxy. 1167 Oxyrhynchus
946 4th century Jos 4: 23-24; 5: 1 frag. P.Oxy. 1168 Oxyrhynchus
947 4th century Lev. 16: 33-34 fragm. P.Oxy. 1225 Oxyrhynchus
948 3rd century Isa. 38: 3-5.13-16 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 2320 Vienna
949 4th / 5th Century Gene. 38: 23.25.28-29; 39: 1; 40: 1-3.11-12 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 39769 a, b, c Vienna
950 4th / 5th Century Sap. 1: 1-2.6-8 frag. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 39770 Vienna
951 5th century Jer. 12: 9-10.14-16 fragm. Austrian National Library , P. Vindob. G 39771 Vienna
952 3rd / 4th Century Cant. 5: 12-6: 11 British Library , P. Inv. No. 2486, Bl. 1;
Scriptorium Biblicum et Orientale , P. Monts./II Inv. 84
London ;
953 at 300 Gene. 46: 28-32; 47: 3-5 British Library , P. Inv. No. 2557 London
954 4th century Lev. 12: 15-16.19-20.24 fragm. P.Oxy. 1351 Oxyrhynchus
955 4th century Job 1: 19-2: 1.6-9b fragm. Biblioteca Laurenziana , PSI 1163 Florence
956 4th century Jon. 1: 10-4: 1 Biblioteca Laurenziana , PSI 1164;
Egyptian Museum , P. 16354
Florence ;
957 Rylands Papyrus 458 2nd century BC Chr. Deut 23:24 (26) -24: 3; 25: 1-3; 26:12; 26: 17-19; 28: 31-33; 27:15; 28: 2 John Rylands Library , Gr. P. 458 Manchester
958 4th century Gene. 26: 13-14; Deut. 28: 8.11; Par. II 1:12; Is. 42: 3-4; 52: 15-53: 3.6-7.11-12; 66: 18-19 fragm. John Rylands Library , Gr. P. 460;
Papyrus Collection, University Library , P. Inv. 22a / b
Manchester ;
959 4th / 5th Century Gene. 13: 3-6.8-9 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 16353 Berlin
[960] 5th / 6th Century Exod. 23: 10-13; 31: 12-13 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 13994 (missing) Berlin
961 Chester Beatty IV papyrus 4th century Gene. 9: 1-15: 14; 17: 7-44: 22 fragm. Chester Beatty Library , P. Ch. Beatty IV Dublin
962 Papyrus Chester Beatty V III <E> Gene. 8: 13-9: 2; 24: 13-25: 21; 30: 20-35: 16; 39: 3-40: 13; 41: 9-46: 33 fragm. Chester Beatty Library , P. Ch. Beatty V Dublin
963 Papyrus Chester Beatty VI II <E> Num. 5: 12-8: 19; 13: 4-6.17-18; 25: 5-36: 13; Deut. 1: 20-7: 20; 9: 26-12: 17; 18: 22-19: 16; 27: 6-32: 14 with gaps Chester Beatty Library , P. Ch. Beatty VI;
University of Michigan , P. Mich. Inv. 5554
Dublin ;
Ann Arbor
964 Papyrus Chester Beatty XI 4th century Sir 36: 28-37: 23; 46: 6-11; 46: 16-47: 2 fragments. Chester Beatty Library , P. Ch. Beatty XI Dublin
965 Chester Beatty VII papyrus 3rd century Is. 8: 18-19: 13; 38: 14-45: 5; 54: 1-60: 22 (Lac.) Chester Beatty Library , P. Ch. Beatty VII + P. Merton 2;
Biblioteca Laurenziana , PSI 1273
Dublin ;
966 Papyrus Chester Beatty VIII 2nd / 3rd Century Jer. 4: 30-5: 1.9-14.23-24 fragm. Chester Beatty Library , P. Ch. Beatty VIII Dublin
967 Papyrus 967 at 200 Ezekiel, Daniel (Vor-Hexapla), Ester (Lac.) Chester Beatty Library , P. Ch. Beatty IX + X;
IfA, P. Colon. theol. 3-40;
CSIC, P.Matr. bibl. 1;
Scriptorium Biblicum et Orientale , P. Monts./II Inv. 42, 43;
Univ. Libr., John H Scheide P. 3
Dublin ;
Cologne ;
Madrid ;
Montserrat ;
968 3rd century Volume 1: 10-19 Biblioteca Laurenziana , PSI 127 Florence
[969] 6./7. Century Prov. 31: 2.6-7; Eccl. 5: 4, 2:17, 4: 17-5: 1, 3:11, 4: 1-3 Biblioteca Laurenziana , PSI 1297 (destroyed) Florence
970 2nd century Exod 8: 3.5-20; Deut. 28: 36-39; 29: 15-26.28; 30: 5-7 frag. Institute for Papyrology, P. Heid. Inv. G 8 + 1020a Heidelberg
971 3rd century Par. II 24: 17-24 British Library , P. Egerton 4 London
972 4th century Exod. 29: 21-24 fragm. Univ. Statale, 22 Milan
973 4th / 5th Century Is. 21: 3-22: 1 fragm. John Rylands Library , P. Gr. 459 Manchester
974 around 220 Job. 33: 23-24; 34: 10-15 frag. Egyptian Museum , P. 11778v Berlin
{975} see. No. 956 Egyptian Museum , P. 16354 Berlin
976 7th century Is. 25: 4-9 fragm. Egyptian Museum , P. 3603 Berlin

New places and owners

Some manuscripts are now in a new repository

New library names

See also


Directory of all manuscripts

  • Alfred Rahlfs: Directory of the Greek manuscripts of the Old Testament , Weidmann, Berlin 1914 ( online ) (with information on each manuscript)
  • Kurt Aland : Repertory of the Greek Christian Papyri I. Biblical Papyri: Old Testament, New Testament, Varia, Apocrypha (= Patristic Texts and Studies 18). Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1975. ISBN 3-11-004674-1
  • Alfred Rahlfs , Detlef Fraenkel: Directory of the Greek manuscripts of the Old Testament. Volume I, 1: The tradition up to the 8th century (= Septuagint. Vetus Testamentum Graecum. Supplementum ). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2003.

Literature on some selected manuscripts

  • Alexander Achilles Fischer: The text of the Old Testament. Revised introduction to the Biblia Hebraica by Ernst Würthwein , Stuutgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 2009.
  • Sidney Jellicoe: The Septuagint and Modern Study. , 1978, Reprint, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake (Indiana) 1993, ISBN 0-931464-00-5
  • Frederic G. Kenyon : Our Bible and the ancient manuscripts. 4th edition, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London 1939 ( online )
  • Bruce M. Metzger , Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Palaeography , Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1981.
  • Henry Barclay Swete, An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek , Cambridge 1902, revised by RR Ottley, 1914 ( online , also online )

Web links


  1. according to Die Rahlfs-Siglen ( Memento of the original from June 24, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Official directory of the Rahlfs symbols of the Septuagint company of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. The 3rd Book of Kings in the Septuagint LXX (abbreviated to 3rd Kgt. Below) corresponds to the 1st Book of Kings EU in German Bible editions.
  3. Gen 1: 1-46, 28 is missing; Ps 105.27-137.6
  4. ?? Ps 8–37 (with gaps)
    Ez 1.9–2.5, 3.1–9.4, 22.7–26.11, 28.7–16, 35.5–48.3 (with gaps)
    Ez 36.20–37.14, 41.25–43.18, 47.19–48.4 (with gaps)
  5. a b c The Septuagint manuscripts in the Chigi Collection in the Vatican Library with a link to the digitized material (link to description in Rahlfs, index of Greek manuscripts in brackets):
    Rahlfs 19 (not yet digitized) = Chig. R. VI 38 ( p.277 );
    Rahlfs 86 = Chig. R. VIII 54 ( p.280 -281);
    Rahlfs 88 = Chig. R. VII 45 ( p.278 -280).
  6. Is. with commentary (gloss)
  7. ^ Previously Société royale égyptienne de papyrologie
  8. ^ Previously Société royale égyptienne de papyrologie
  9. ^ Previously Société royale égyptienne de papyrologie