Codex Bodleianus Auct. D. 4.1

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The Codex Bodleianus (Siglum I, No. 13 after Rahlfs ) is an illustrated parchment manuscript from the 10th century. It contains the psalms with the odes , the Eusebian canon tables and katen . A colored miniature shows King David (fol. 15v); the initials and edges are decorated with ornaments. The catenas contain texts by Symmachus , Aquila and Theodotion as well as the Quinta and Septima.

The canon tables indicate a date of origin around 951. The manuscript may have been written in southern Italy. In 1620 it was given by Henry Savile to the Bodleian Library in Oxford , where it is today with the signature MS. Auct. D. 4. 1 is located.


  • Ihor Ševčenko: Captions to a David Cycle in the Tenth-Century Oxford Auct. D. 4. 1. In: Cordula Scholz, Georgios Makris (Ed.): Polypleuros nous. Miscelleana for Peter Schreiner on his 60th birthday. KG Saur, Leipzig 2000, pp. 324–341.
  • Kurt Weitzmann , George Galavaris: The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai. The Illuminated Greek Manuscripts. Volume 1: From the Ninth to the Twelfth Century. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1990, p. 27. ISBN 0-691-03602-0
  • Irmgard Hutter : Corpus of the Byzantine miniature manuscripts. Volume 1, Hiersemann, Stuttgart 1977, p. 27 f .; Volume 3, Hiersemann, Stuttgart 1982, p. 324 f.
  • Sidney Jellicoe: The Septuagint and Modern Study. Reprint, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake (Indiana) 1993, ISBN 0-931464-00-5 , p. 195.
  • Frederic G. Kenyon : Our Bible and the ancient manuscripts. 4th edition, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London 1939 ( I. A Bodleian MS. Of the Psalms ).

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