Colotis danae

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Colotis danae
Colotis danae, female

Colotis danae , female

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Whitelings (Pieridae)
Subfamily : True whiteflies (Pierinae)
Genre : Colotis
Type : Colotis danae
Scientific name
Colotis danae
( Fabricius , 1775)
Wing underside

Colotis danae is a butterfly ( butterflies )found in Africa and Asiafrom the family of the whiteflies (Pieridae).



The moths reach a wingspan of 35 to 55 millimeters. There is a slight sexual dimorphism between the sexes . Both sexes have white wings. In the males, the apex area on the upper side of the forewing is brightly colored red and bordered in black. A very small discal spot is usually indistinct. The hem area on the upper side of the hind wing has a black-brown color. In females, the apex area is colored orange-red. On the fore and hind wing tops, some dark gray spots stand out. The upper sides of the wings shine through to the undersides of the wings in a greatly weakened form. On the underside of the hind wing in both sexes, a transverse row of dark brown dots can also be seen in the middle.

Egg, caterpillar, pupa

The cone-shaped eggs are reddish-brown and covered with many jagged cross-ribs. Young caterpillars are colored green and show very thin, short hairs. When fully grown, the hair partially recedes. They then show two to three whitish or yellowish spots on the flanks and usually a yellow back line. The doll is designed as a belt doll and has a gray-green to light brown color. The wing sheaths protrude clearly.

Similar species

Colotis aurora and Colotis etrida differ in the orange-yellow color of the apex area.

Distribution, subspecies and habitat

In addition to the nominate form Colotis danae danae , which is represented in India and Sri Lanka , the occurrence of the species also extends through the Persian Gulf region and Africa, where it is represented by the following subspecies :

  • Colotis danae annae ( Wallengren , 1857)
  • Colotis danae dulcis ( Butler , 1876)
  • Colotis danae eupompe ( Klug , 1829)
  • Colotis danae pseudacaste ( Butler , 1876)
  • Colotis danae walkeri ( Butler , 1884)

The species primarily inhabits steppes and open grasslands and is also found in hilly areas up to altitudes of 2000 meters.

Way of life

The moths fly in several generations throughout the year. They like to suckle on flowers for food intake, for example on Cadaba species. The caterpillars feed on the leaves of various caper plants (Capparaceae), preferably on caper bushes ( Capparis ) and from Cadaba or Maerua species.

Individual evidence

  1. Steve Woodhall: Field Guide to Butterflies of South Africa , Cape Town, South Africa, Struik Publishers, 2005, ISBN 978-1-86872-724-7
  2. Markku Savela: Tanaecia Butler (1869) - distribution. In: Lepidoptera and some other life forms. Retrieved January 19, 2019 .

Web links

Commons : Colotis danae  - collection of images, videos and audio files