Communauté de communes du pays d'Heuchin

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Communauté de communes du pays d'Heuchin
Pas-de-Calais ( Nord-Pas-de-Calais - France )
Establishment date December 24, 1993
Seat Hypocrite
Communities 15th
president Claude Coquart
surface km²
Residents 4,033 (1999)

The Communauté de communes du pays d'Heuchin is a former French Association of Local Authorities ( Communauté de communes ) in the Pas-de-Calais and the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais . It was founded on December 24, 1993. The community association merged in 2013 with the Communauté de communes du Saint-Polois and thus formed the new Communauté de communes des Vertes Collines du Saint-Polois .


  1. Anvin
  2. Bergueneuse
  3. Boyaval
  4. Eps
  5. Equirre
  6. Erin
  7. Fiefs
  8. Fleury
  9. Fontaine-lès-Boulans
  10. Hypocrite
  11. Lisbourg
  12. Monchy-Cayeux
  13. Prédefin
  14. Teneur
  15. Tilly-Capelle
