Communauté de communes du Sud Arrageois

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Communauté de communes du Sud Arrageois
Pas-de-Calais ( Nord-Pas-de-Calais - France )
Establishment date December 29, 1992
Seat Croisilles
Communities 22nd
president Gérard Due
surface km²
Residents 7,508 (1999)

The Communauté de communes du Sud Arrageois is a former French Association of Local Authorities ( Communauté de communes ) in the Pas-de-Calais and the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais . It was founded on December 29, 1992. In 2014, the community association was dissolved, some of the communities joined the Communauté urbaine d'Arras , the rest merged with the Communauté de communes de la Région de Bapaume and the Communauté de communes du Canton de Bertincourt , thus forming the new Communauté de communes you Sud-Artois .


  1. Ayette
  2. Boiry-Becquerelle
  3. Boisleux-au-Mont
  4. Boisleux-Saint-Marc
  5. Boyelles
  6. Bullecourt
  7. Chérisy
  8. Courcelles-le-Comte
  9. Croisilles
  10. Écoust-Saint-Mein
  11. Ervillers
  12. Fontaine-lès-Croisilles
  13. Gomiécourt
  14. Guémappe
  15. Hamelincourt
  16. Henin-sur-Cojeul
  17. Heninel
  18. Mory
  19. Moyenneville
  20. Noreuil
  21. Saint-Léger
  22. Saint-Martin-sur-Cojeul
