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Under comp (English abbreviated from. Accompanying - accompany or possibly to complement - complement) are understood in jazz the chords that a keyboardist ( piano or organ ) in support of an improvised solo playing or melody. These are not played continuously over a longer period of time, but rhythmically varied and also designed in different voicings . In addition, additional tones ( options ) that extend the chord may be played. Comping is also used when a guitarist accompanies a solo by playing chords with a correspondingly varied range.

Individual evidence

  1. Fred Huges: The Jazz Pianist: Left Hand Voicings and Chord Theory , 2002, pp. 5, 37. ISBN 978-0-7579-9315-2 .
  2. How to Comp on Piano like a Pro Making Music Magazine, August 31, 2015
  3. 10 Essential Jazz Chord Comping Rhythms