Conor Fahy

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Conor Fahy (born February 17, 1928 in Floriana , † January 1, 2009 in Ely ) was a British Romanist , Italianist and bibliographer of Irish descent.

life and work

Fahy studied at Queens' College (Cambridge) . He received his PhD in Manchester and first taught at Edinburgh University . From 1967 he taught at Birkbeck College of the University of London , first as a reader, 1970-1983 Professor of Italian. From 1979 to 1983 he was chairman of the Society for Italian Studies. In 1989 he became an Honorary Research Fellow at University College London.

Fahy received an honorary doctorate from the University of Udine (1997) and the Serena Medal from the British Academy (2007).


  • Saggi di bibliografia testuale , Padua 1988
  • L'Orlando furioso del 1532. Profilo di una edizione , Milan 1989
  • (Ed.) Zefirino Campanini, Istruzioni pratiche ad un novello capo-stampa, o sia Regolamento per la direzione di una tipografica officina (1789) , Florence 1998


  • Book production and letters in the Western European Renaissance. Essays in honor of Conor Fahy , ed. by Anna Laura Lepschy, John Took and Dennis E. Rhodes, London 1986 (Festschrift)
  • Bibliografia testuale o filologia dei testi a stampa? Definizioni metodologiche e prospettive future. Convegno di studi in onore di Conor Fahy. Udine, February 24-25-26, 1997 , ed. by Neil Harris, Udine 1999 (with list of publications)
  • Alfredo Stussi, Bibliografia testuale con Conor Fahy, in: Belfagor 55, 2000, pp. 313–321
  • Neil Harris, In ricordo di Conor Fahy, in: La Bibliofilía 111, 2009, pp. 51-89 (,%20Conor%20Fahy%20ricordo%202009. pdf )
  • John Took, "Conor Fahy 1928–2009", in: Italian Studies 65, 2010, pp. 3-6
  • The Oxford Companion to the Book , ed. by Michael F. Suarez, SJ and HR Woudhuysen, Oxford / New York 2010 sv

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