Coplas sefardies

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Coplas sefardies is a song cycle by Alberto Hemsi (1898–1975) based on traditional Sephardic songs. The cycle consists of a total of 60 songs for voice and piano, edited in 10 volumes with six pieces in each volume.


Alberto Hemsi has been interested in Sephardic music since the early 1920s . At first he collected traditional melodies and texts with his family and friends. From 1928 he went on extensive research trips to Turkey and Greece . He traveled to Thessaloniki and the island of Rhodes several times . The names of a total of 65 informants have survived, including Bulgarian and Palestinian Jews. A total of 232 songs were collected, of which Hemsi only used 60 for his cycle Coplas sefardies . In order to make the folk songs accessible to a broader public, he converted them into art songs , which combine the authentic folk basis with a sophisticated piano accompaniment.

Alberto Hemsi published the first five volumes from 1932 to 1938 in his own publishing house, Édition orientale de musique in Alexandria , Egypt ; the last five appeared in French exile from 1969 to 1973.

The Israeli singer Assaf Levitin and the pianist Naaman Wagner started the first part of the complete recording in October 2017, as a co-production of the European Institute for Jewish Music in Hanover, the Saarland Radio and the Elsbach Foundation. The Israeli singer Tehila Nini Goldstein and the pianist Jascha Nemtsov are producing another recording of the entire cycle Coplas sefardies in cooperation with Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg and the Achava Festival Thuringia.


  • Jonas Kremer: Alberto Hemsi and the Sephardic Folklore, in: Antonina and Jascha Nemtsov (eds.), One-way street or “the holy bridge”? Jewish music and European music culture. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2016, pp. 187–212. ISBN 978-3-447-10633-7 .
  • Esther Fintz Menasce: Alberto Hemsi and his Coplas Sefardies ; in Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review , Vol. 15/2, 1993, pages 62 to 65
  • Susana Weich-Shahak: Presentacion de los tres géneros - Romancero, Coplas y Cancionero ; in Virtudes Atero Burgos (ed.): El romancero y la copla - formas de oralidad entre dos mundos (España-Argentina) , Universidad Internacional de Andalucia sede Iberoamericana de la Rábida, 1996, ISBN 978-8447203284 , pages 121 to 136

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rondeau Production, Report on the appearance of Coplas Sefardies
  2. Audio-video of a concert presentation of Volume 3 from the Coplas sefardies cycle with Tehila Nini Goldstein and Jascha Nemtsov on June 14, 2017 in Erfurt City Hall