Corneille Stevens

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Corneille Stevens (born December 26, 1747 in Wavre , Belgium, † 1828 there ) was a Catholic priest and pioneer of the Stevenist Church .


The son of a notary was ordained a priest in 1774 and in 1774 canon of Namur Cathedral in the then Austrian Netherlands. After Namur was captured by the French revolutionary troops in 1794, Stevens fled to Germany in 1797 together with the Archbishop of Mechelen Johann Heinrich von Frankenberg . From 1799 he worked as vicar general of the orphaned diocese of Namur .

He rejected the Concordat of 1801 and the Organic Articles of 1802 as well as the appointment of the Namur bishop Claude de Bexon (officiated 1802-1803, † 1807) based on it. As the leader of the locally strong anti-concordat minority, called "Stevenists" after him, Stevens worked underground for years during the French era. After the Congress of Vienna he was reconciled in 1814 with the new Bishop of Namur, Charles-François-Joseph Pisani de la Gaude (* 1743, officiated in Namur 1804–1826).

Steven's followers only partially followed this. The other Stevenists organized themselves as the Petite Église, separated from the Roman Pope .


  • J. Soillé: Corneille Stevens, vicaire général de Namur, Sede Vacante 1747-1828 . Gembloux 1957.