Cornelis van Dalen

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Cornelis van Dalen: Allegory of Work and Hope. Engraving, mid-17th century.

Father and son Cornelis van Dalen ( I., de Oude ; * around 1602; buried April 7, 1665 Amsterdam, and II., De Jonge , baptized December 28, 1638 Amsterdam; † before September 9, 1664) were two Dutch draftsmen, Engraver and publisher of prints in Amsterdam.

Her drawings and engravings show landscapes, portraits, allegorical or mythological figures as accessories or individual motifs , as well as many book titles, vignettes and illustrations . The father's reproduction engravings (including those dated from 1631 to 1657) are primarily based on models from Dutch contemporaries, those of the son based on Italian portraits (he has dated and signed sheets from 1655 to 1659). The two works cannot be clearly distinguished in all cases.


  • Joseph Eduard Wessely:  Dalen, Cornelis van . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 4, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1876, p. 710.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Hollstein: Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts: approx. 1450 - 1700, Vol. 5: Cornelisz - Dou , Amsterdam 1951.
  • Saur general artist lexicon: The visual artists of all times and peoples , Vol. 23, Munich 1999 (with more recent references). ISBN 3-598-22740-X

See also

Cornelis van Dalem