Corynanthein Alkaloids

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Bark of the yohimbe tree ( Corynanthe yohimbe )

Corynanthein alkaloids (corynanthé alkaloids) are natural substances of the indole alkaloid type.


Corynanthein occurs in the bark of the yohimbe tree ( Corynanthe yohimbe ). Furthermore, it was found with corynantheidin in Pseudocinchona africana .


Important representatives are u. a. Corynanthein , corynantheal and corynantheidin .


Corynanthein acts as a sympatholytic .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Entry on corynanthein alkaloids. In: Römpp Online . Georg Thieme Verlag, accessed on June 16, 2020.
  2. P. Karrer, H. Salomon: About two new alkaloids from the Yohimbérinde . In: Helvetica Chimica Acta . tape 9 , no. 1 , 1926, pp. 1059-1062 , doi : 10.1002 / hlca . 192600901139 .
  3. M.‐M. Janot, R. Goutarel, V. Prelog: About the constitution of the Corynantheins . In: Helvetica Chimica Acta . tape 34 , no. 4 , 1951, pp. 1207-1210 , doi : 10.1002 / hlca.19510340429 .
  4. C. Szántay, M. Bárczai ‐ Beke: The stereospecific synthesis of (-) - corynantheidine . In: Chemical Reports . tape 102 , no. 12 , 1969, p. 3963-3973 , doi : 10.1002 / cber.19691021203 .