Cristina Marchetti

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M. Cristina Marchetti (born December 11, 1955 in Pavia ) is an Italian-American theoretical physicist who deals with statistical mechanics.

Marchetti received her Laureate Degree in Physics from the University of Pavia in 1978 and her PhD from the University of Florida in 1982 (Fluctuations in systems far from equilibrium). She taught and researched for 30 years at Syracuse University (Assistant Professor 1987, Professor 1997, later William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor) and has been a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara since 2018 .

She deals with statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium and collective phenomena in physics and biology. These include transport in liquids far from equilibrium and undercooling , charge density waves , phases and transport of vortex lines in type 2 superconductors and dynamics of driven disordered systems (such as glasses). In particular, she researches the field of active matter , a sub-area of soft matter , in which systems made up of a large number of active agents are described that consume energy and organize themselves (examples are flocks of birds, bacterial colonies, parts of the cytoskeleton with microtubules and actin, self-moving ones Particles / self propelled particles (SPP)). Among other things, she dealt with spontaneous aggregations of active colloids, cell movement and mechanics of the cytoskeleton, bacterial suspensions and the dynamics of topological defects in active liquid crystals.

Since 2007 she has been the associate director of the Syracuse Biomaterials Institute.

In 2019 she received the first Leo Kadanoff Prize from the American Physical Society . She is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2013), the National Academy of Sciences (2019), and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2014).

She is one of the editors of Physical Review X and Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics.

Fonts (selection)

  • with L. Balents, L. Radzihovsky: Nonequilibrium steady states of driven periodic media , Physical Review B, Volume 57, 1998, p. 7705
  • with A. Baskaran: Enhanced diffusion and ordering of self-propelled rods , Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 101, 2008, p. 268101
  • with A. Baskaran: Hydrodynamics of self-propelled hard rods , Phys. Rev. E, Volume 77, 2008, p. 011920
  • with A. Baskaran: Statistical mechanics and hydrodynamics of bacterial suspensions , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 106, 2009, pp. 15567-15572
  • with TB Liverpool, J.-F. Joanny, J. Prost: Mechanical response of active gels , Euro Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, 2009, p. 18007
  • with L. Giomi, TB Liverpool: Sheared active fluids: thickening, thinning and vanishing viscosity , Phys. Rev. E, Volume 81, 2010, p. 051908
  • with Y. Fily: Athermal phase separation of self-propelled particles with no alignment , Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 108, 2012, p. 235702
  • with JF Joanny u. a .: Hydrodynamics of soft active matter , Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 85, 2013, p. 1143
  • with FC Kerber u. a .: Topology and dynamics of active nematic vesicles, Science , Volume 345, 2014, pp. 1135-1139

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kadanoff Prize 2019