Cross-Slab by Edderton

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Cross-Slab by Edderton

The Edderton Cross Slab is a Piktenstein of class III , made of red sandstone , in the old cemetery of the village of Edderton , in Easter Ross in Scotland .

Clach Biorach Piktenstein

On the west side the plate shows an unadorned Celtic cross . On the eastern side in the upper half there is a bar cross, which stands on a semicircular base, within which a rider is shown in relief . Two more riders are cut at the bottom. At times the plate was sunk much deeper into the earth and covered the lower tabs. It has recently been raised to its original height.

The monument should not be confused with the Clach Biorach ( Scottish Gaelic pointed stone ), a 3.0 m high menhir made of red sandstone in a field 0.4 km northwest of the village of Edderton.


Web links

Commons : Edderton Cross Slab  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 57 ° 49 '44.5 "  N , 4 ° 9' 30.6"  W.