Cryptocheilus fabricii

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Cryptocheilus fabricii
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Vespoidea
Family : Wasps (Pompilidae)
Subfamily : Pepsinae
Genre : Cryptocheilus
Type : Cryptocheilus fabricii
Scientific name
Cryptocheilus fabricii
( Vander Linden , 1827)

Cryptocheilus fabricii is a Hymenoptera from the family of wasps (Pompilidae).


The animals reach a body length of 8 to 14 millimeters (females) or 7 to 10 millimeters (males). The propodeum and the legs are colored red-brown, the tergites of the abdomen are spotted white on the sides. The similar Cryptocheilus notatus differs in its black colored propodeum and a red first tergite.


The species occurs in southern and central Europe, east to Japan. It colonizes dry, temperature-favored and open habitats with sand or gravel soils with weak vegetation. The animals fly in one generation from late June to late August. The species is very rare in Central Europe.

Way of life

Females of Cryptocheilus fabricii create their nests in the ground, however existing cavities are used and adapted. The brood is supplied with crab, wolf and flat-bellied spiders . The adults are mostly to be found on umbellifers .



  • Rolf Witt: Wasps. Observe, determine. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89440-243-1 .