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The noble coat of arms of the royal family Czetwertyński, coat of arms community Pogoń Ruska

Czetwertyński is the name of a Polish noble family of Ruthenian origin. The feminine form of the name is Czetwertyńska.


The Czetwertyński are a princely dynasty and come from a sideline of the tsarist house of the Rurikids from the region around Tschetwertnia in today's Ukrainian Oblast Wolyn ( Rajon Manewytschi ). Prince Aleksander von Czetwertnia († 1450), who descended in direct male line from Grand Duke Jaroslaw of Kiev , is considered to be the founder of the sidelines of those of Czetwertyński . They bear the noble coat of arms Pogoń Ruska ("Russian Hunting") and are family members of other princely families of this region, the Ostrogski and Zasławski .


