Dániel Berzsenyi

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Dániel Berzsenyi (woodcut by Gusztáv Morelli )

Dániel Berzsenyi von Egyházasberzseny [ ˈdaːniɛl ˈbɛrʒɛɲi ] (born May 7, 1776 in Egyházashetye , Hungary , † February 24, 1836 in Nikla ) was a Hungarian poet .

Dániel Berzsenyi studied at the Protestant Lyceum in Ödenburg . Then he entered the military and lived on his estate. In 1799 he married Zsuzsanna Dukai Takács and moved with her first to Sömjén , later to Nikla.

The importance of his poetry lies in the fact that the modern, romantic approach to life first appeared in Hungarian literature. In 1830 he was elected a full member of the Philosophical Class of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences . Berzsenyi took an active part in the literary life of the epoch through correspondence and art criticism.
