Dániel Gróh

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Dániel Gróh (* 1951 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian prehistorian and provincial Roman archaeologist .


Gróh attended the József Attila Gymnasium in Budapest until 1969 and then studied archeology from 1971 to 1976 at the Attila József University in Szeged with a focus on prehistory. In 1976 he finished his studies with a thesis dealing with the Late Bronze Age burial ground of Tápé -Széntéglaégető. Since 1976 he has been curator of the archaeological collection at the Mátyás Király Múzeum (King Matthias Museum) in Visegrád .

In 1987 he submitted his dissertation published in 1989 on a prehistoric settlement near Visegrád -Lepencé and then received his doctorate . In 1992 Gróh graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics with a degree in monument conservation . At the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest in 2006 he received another doctorate for the academic degree of "Candidate in Historical Studies" (történelemtudomány kandidátusa). His new work, which was supervised by László Borhy , read: The small fort Visegrád-Gizellamajor and the role of the Danube Bend in the late Roman defense policy .

One of his most important excavations is the Visegrád-Gizellamajor small fort with the associated burial ground.

He was a member of the Technical Committee of the International Council for the Preservation of Monuments (ICOMOS) from 1992 to 1996 and has been a member of this organization ever since. He is also a member of the Magyar Régészeti és Művészettörténeti Társulat (Hungarian Society for Archeology and Art History) and since 2006 a founding member of the Association of Hungarian Archaeologists.

Fonts (selection)

  • Őskori településnyomok Visegrád-Lepencén . In: Biczó Piroska (ed.): Dunai Régészeti Közlemények . Budapest 1989, pp. 11–42 (= dissertation)
  • with Péter Gróf : Előzetes jelentés a Visegrád-gizellamajori római erőd feltárásáról (Preliminary report on the excavation of the Roman fortress of Visegrád-Gizellamajor) . In: Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungaricae 1991 (1993), pp. 86-95.
  • with Péter Gróf: Late Roman watchtower and statues found in Visegrád-Lepence (Késő római őrtorony és szoborlelet Visegrád-Lepencén) . In: Folia Archaeologica 47, 1998-1999 (2001), pp. 103-116.
  • with Péter Gróf: Visegrád római emlékei (=  Altum Castrum 6), Buzás Gergely, Visegrád 2006, ISBN 978-963-7061-31-8
  • with Péter Gróf: Visegrád római kori emlékei . (=  Vezető a római limes világörökségre jelölt magyarországi helyszínein 4). Visegrád 2011, ISBN 978-963-7474-30-9

Web links


  1. Dániel Groh: A Tápé-Széntéglaégető temető feldolgozása kétsoros peremlyukkártyákon.
  2. ^ Dániel Gróh: A Visegrád-gizellamajori erőd és a Dunakanyar szerepe a késő római védelmi politikában . Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Budapest 2006.